The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

Me too...... Screwed up dont even begin to describe it!! While you may hear about somebody's uncle's cousin's sister that was able to get 10% of the eggs to hatch with no idea what they were doing, I don't think it happens much. More often you hear the tales about how awful the first try was.


I have to remember that learning is a great thing! It was only a year ago I was scared of the incubator and now I have 3 running.

If I knew everything or if it all was easy WHAT WOULD THE POINT BE ???

If I reframe learning as experimenting then it's not so discouraging.

SallySunshine did not come up with all these great tips by doing it right the first time (Hope I'm guessing right there), but by keeping at it until it worked.

I have done about everything wrong with incubation there is to do wrong. I'm still over run with chicks.

The eggs I had at 61 degrees for 8 hours last week are still developing. On this one, I will learn if I caused foot problems and I have made changes in how I have the electric cord attached to the incubator.

It is about time for me to be perfect now though.
Been reading all the comments from the last week. It's been a busy week here at the farm. We are trying to build 5 more breeding coops but the weather isn't cooperating. 70s yesterday 28 for the low coming on Friday

Anyhoo I just purchased a Sportsman 1502!!!! Woot woot it is up & warming.
Any helpful suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm a bit nervous.
So I candles today(day 10) and saw three babies moving!! But the air cells are crazy weird. Here are some pics!.


Woke up and found the incubator at 102.6, turned it down and went back to sleep, woke up again and it was at 98.0. Will they be ok? It doesn't seem like that big of a spike or drop to me but I'm still pretty new at this. I'm really worried about the shipped eggs I have in there...
Woke up and found the incubator at 102.6, turned it down and went back to sleep, woke up again and it was at 98.0. Will they be ok? It doesn't seem like that big of a spike or drop to me but I'm still pretty new at this. I'm really worried about the shipped eggs I have in there...

The temp fluxes under a broody hen all the time. She gets off them, it gets hot and cold. Point is this is not an exact science. Small changes like that are normal over short periods of time. It's when they are sustained for long times you really need to worry. Hope they are ok.
Woke up and found the incubator at 102.6, turned it down and went back to sleep, woke up again and it was at 98.0. Will they be ok? It doesn't seem like that big of a spike or drop to me but I'm still pretty new at this. I'm really worried about the shipped eggs I have in there...

Our incubator is homemade and we have had some of this same fluctuation, I think it'll be fine. Like the previous poster said, some fluctuation is normal under a broody hen too.
The temp fluxes under a broody hen all the time. She gets off them, it gets hot and cold. Point is this is not an exact science. Small changes like that are normal over short periods of time. It's when they are sustained for long times you really need to worry. Hope they are ok.

Our incubator is homemade and we have had some of this same fluctuation, I think it'll be fine. Like the previous poster said, some fluctuation is normal under a broody hen too.

Thank you both for the reassurances :)

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