The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

All my eggs hatch at different dates. I need to put my Ayam Cemanis in lockdown today, but I'm not sure if I should shut off the auto turner and hand turn the other eggs, or fire up the farm innovators incubator for lockdown. What do you all think? My luck with the farm innovators just hasn't been great and I don't want to lose these chicks.

I also have mine in a turner. I also have a still bator. I love hatching them in it. I get the temp set a day ahead, make sure it's staying, then put the ones from the turner into it. Get the humidity up from there. I keep my temps around 97 98 during lock down. Humidity around 60 to 62%.
I'm super excited to be hatching Easter Eggers. I know they're just mutts, but I love all of the surprise colors. You just never know what you're going to get, especially when you don't know what the parent stock is! I hope my batch is this colorful. I'm in love with the tan chipmunk chick.

Update on my HAL eggs: Today was the Day 14 candle. 29 confirmed swimmers, 1 iffy egg and 3 that looked like quitters but I left them in just in case. So I'm down to 29/41. My pre-HAL eggs go into lockdown tomorrow, super excited!


Yes I love the different colors. The two brown striped ones came from my white hen, and the mixed greys from my black hen, all same EE rooster. I'm excited to see what traits they'll have. 2/7 are roosters. I have 15 lavender ameraucana eggs hatching mon/Tuesday so I'm starting lock down #2 in the morning lol. Good luck on your babies! Can't wait to see them!
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"Springing in the Chicks"
2016 April Hatch-a-Long

Hosted by Mike & Sally

Set Eggs ANYTIME in April

EVERYONE is Welcome!
I see everyone candling their eggs and I keep telling myself I'm going to wait until day 14 (tomorrow)....  
Placing bets now that I break down and candle tonight.... I'm betting against myself

I failed. All 11 that were progressing on day 7, are still going strong. Woohoo!
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My update: (Warning, picture heavy)

E HAL - I candled on the 10th day. I suspect some eggs have dropped off, but I'm leaving everything in now until day 18 when I can tell for certain. I've had some in the past that look like everything has atrophied...but it looks cloudy because of all the development of the tiny veins and those eggs actually I don't trust myself enough to cull eggs after day 7 or so with colored eggs. I'm getting olive eggs now and I can't see a darn thing with those.
I guess they'll be surprises. And here I thought blue eggs were bad!

Previous hatch - Both the Red Jungle Fowl chick and the olive egger chick are doing well.
I was really thinking the little black olive egger wasn't going to make it but he surprised me, which is good, because they have each other at least.

This hatch was NOT a good hatch at all as far as numbers; 54 eggs and only 2 chicks out of it. But on a positive's a VERY good hatch as far as getting two very tough chicks!

I've been thinking a lot about this hatch. I do realize that my purchased eggs did not start incubation as soon as I hoped and that my eggs were old, but the purchased eggs were still set by 10 days and I'm selecting specifically for tough, viable embryos and I'm always setting old eggs. So that's nothing

The only things I did do differently from the previous hatches from startup in December was to:
1) disinfect the incubator because of all the trash the previous hatch threw onto and in the bator
2) add different water wells under the floor of the incubator to add water through a tube with a syringe.

(Well, I also "finally" attached the thermometer to the side of the incubator...but that point is negligible other than giving more room in the bator. Temps were normal and precise as

I pulled the top off to let the incubator air out. It snowed here and it's been too cold to wash the styro-bator outside. I pulled the inside apart and on closer inspection the white inner dish in the bottom tray is sitting with murky looking water. The water in the McCain's cake pan appears clear, surprisingly, but the white dish is disgusting. The white dish is a microwavable dish that had frozen food in it but was washed. I used it because it was the only thing that fit in there when I was setting everything up but it appears that it was NOT the wisest thing to use I guess.
The embryos were developing nicely until day 6-8 when they started dropping off.

Setup before the last hatch. After hatch

I may try an new ice cube tray if I try another tray underneath. It'll give more precise control over the humidity with the small compartments. OR I may just go back to using pudding cups.

<<<< Jan 16th hatch

The pudding cups work well and even with all the trash and feathers that got thrown on and into the incubator prior to the Feb 15th hatch from the chicks I had beside the bator, I still had a successful hatch. (I wish I would've taken pictures of the

Feb 15th chicks Feb 15th chicks on March 14th

Now >>

Time will tell if the water wells were the problem. I have older eggs right now in the sterilite-incubator. If they hatch successfully, it'll be a good indicator.
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Reminder these CONTESTS are open for the APRIL HAL TOO!


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[COLOR=EE82EE]"Springing in the Chicks" [/COLOR] 2016 April Hatch-a-Long

Hosted by Mike & Sally

Set Eggs ANYTIME in April

EVERYONE is Welcome!
EEeeeeeee!!! Look! Orange webbies on a fence!! :love
  I also have mine in a turner.  I also have a still bator.  I love hatching them in it.  I get the temp set a day ahead, make sure it's staying, then put the ones from the turner into it.  Get the humidity up from there.  I keep my temps around 97 98 during lock down.   Humidity around 60 to 62%.

Alright then, I guess I'll go set up my other bator

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