The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

forced air = 99.5F - be sure to measure temperature at the top of egg level, not above or below. do not use the built-in thermometer on a styrofoam incubator as they are notoriously inaccurate

I use a method of incubation called the Dry method when using a styrofoam incubator. I do not add water until lockdown, I aim for about 35% humidity throughout the hatch. I open all the vent plugs to allow the ambient room humidity to affect the incubator because where I live in Oregon my house is 50% humidity. depending if your area is humid or dry this may or may not work for you. I live in a humid climate.

For lockdown on day 19 I increase the humidity to 60% (temp stays 99.5) by adding water to the water dish in the bottom. you can also use a sponge. humidity increases with surface area of the water/sponge.

once an egg pips you do not want to open the incubator! very important.

if you set this last Sunday 3/20, then:
day 1 = 3/21
day 7 = 3/27
day 14 = 4/3
day 19 = 4/8 (increase humidity)
day 21 = 4/10 (hatch day)

I meant Sunday 3/6 is when I set them so they will hatch this weekend. Thanks!
I don't think I will sleep tonight!! I also candled some Tolbunt polish that are on day 6 and I have 15/16 looking fantastic :yiipchick
I've waited so long for Tolbunt and it has taken ages to find eggs to incubate. They are my dream colour of polish!

I don't think I will sleep tonight!! I also candled some Tolbunt polish that are on day 6 and I have 15/16 looking fantastic

I've waited so long for Tolbunt and it has taken ages to find eggs to incubate. They are my dream colour of polish!

That's too funny....I was just watching that video last night!!

LOVE that video!!
Well.....first hatch not going well.  I put 5 into lockdown.  3 are viable, 2 are questionable.

Lots of blood rings and deaths around the 10 day mark.  

I am really sad! Almost makes me not want to incubate again :(


I'm sure you will want to. Bad incubations sure can put a dampener on things but please don't let it put you off :hugs

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