The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

WOW, busy and exciting night here. Lots of pipping and hatching!
This hatch is getting so exciting! I love hearing everyone's success stories and I can't wait to start seeing pictures of fluffed up chicks. I now have 3 chicks out and 8 more with pips (the most beautiful blue egg in this incubator is pipped low on the side of the egg, and another egg has been pipped since last night with no sign of movement since, so we'll have to see about them).

I feel like every time I look now, there's at least one more new pip. I'm going to have to go look again. Maybe if I stare hard, they'll hatch faster!
The 6th chick just made it out. having a hard time getting it's feet under itself. Happy and worried at the same time! I am freaking out!!!!!
7 external peeps and lots of sporadic cheeping!! Day 29 doesn't start until around about anticipation!! And I have to go to my sons Easter party at school and then meet a couple people at the farm who are picking up puppies this weekend...don't...want to...leave...incubator!!! ACK!!!

AND we've got a church Easter party/egg hunt for the kids tonight!!! This is killing me!!?

(Second brooder is set up and ready to go though now - WOOT!)
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