The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

I have the Brinsea octagon 20 eco, I hand turn mine, but I just love my Brinsea, check out for one, I got mine really at a good price.  I tried a styerfoam bator when my brinsea was in for repairs, (I dropped it and the heat went out)  and the hatch was really really bad, but anyway, to me the money is worth it for a Brinsea.  

My LG is now deep in the garage, Will prob never see the light again... lol any ideas for repurposing? My Brinsea is the best 99 bucks I've spent lol
I have the Brinsea octagon 20 eco, I hand turn mine, but I just love my Brinsea, check out for one, I got mine really at a good price.  I tried a styerfoam bator when my brinsea was in for repairs, (I dropped it and the heat went out)  and the hatch was really really bad, but anyway, to me the money is worth it for a Brinsea.  

My LG is now deep in the garage, Will prob never see the light again... lol any ideas for repurposing? My Brinsea is the best 99 bucks I've spent lol
You could list it here for sale. Someone starting out might like it or someone looking to use it as a hatcher. That's what I use mine for. Just a idea
Most "jumbos" have been mixed with others so they aren't really "jumbo" anymore. The white ones are just normal (wildtype) but with 2 copies of the recessive white gene (they need 2 copies of the gene to appear white), cross them with the "british range" (solid brown ones) and you should get tuxedos (brown back white belly). Your other ones look like golden, although if they have reddish spots on their backs instead of black then they might be "autumn amber", which is another form of gold. Golden is a dominant gene so I believe them crossed with any of your other ones the babies will be golden, but not 100% sure of that.

OK, got really going there lol, that is probably very confusing but basically, you should get some nice looking babies from them. Oh and the goldens can be sexed by feather color, females will have speckled chests and males will have solid colored chests. The whites and british range can not, you have to wait til they "crow" or lay an egg

This thread has some great pics showing the different color mutations of coturnix quail
I love this! I'm going to have to see what colors I can make now!
I read that you can flip them & pull back on the tail slightly to tell if they're male by a "foam" production from the vent. That helped me find that I have 2 males but I figured they were by that funny crow they do

I just love the sounds.

Oh, I forgot to mention, I LOVE rambling on and on about color genetics
No, please! I enjoy learning as much as I can about these! I just picked these 6 up off Craigslist for $5 & thought it'd be fun. So far, it is.

The Pharoah is the original wild color. I am not sure when the others came along but the whites were definitively after people started raising them.
This is interesting! I like learning all of these color genetics.

So I am running a wild experiment tonight. Some of you know that I have a bantam Wyandotte hen with an injured hip. I got it to go back into place and wrapped her in an Ace bandage to hold things while it heals.Well today is day 4 and she has been lethargic and depressed all day. She wouldn't eat. So tonight I grabbed a couple of quail chicks from the brooder and put them in her box with her. I have her in a plastic tub in the living room. I put ground up feed in her bowl and the two chicks went after it. She just looked at them and after awhile she started taking little bites too. Right now they are up under her and cozy. I think she is going to adopt them. She was lonely and bored and in pain and was depressed but she has perked up. They are all fast asleep at the moment.
AAWWS! She feels better with the company!
My brinsea 20 advance is Awesome. It is a set it and forget it. Just need to check humidity twice daily during hatch. Temp is rock solid, doesn't fluctuate at all.

I thought about getting that one but decided for what we needed this one was less pricey. I don't hatch regularly but they have awesome products. If I ever stepy game up , I'll def be getting one of those!
I will go ahead and wish you all a happy Easter now because I will not be in here for another ten minutes. Night all hope you all hade a good outcome!:D

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