The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

Well I only had 10 hatch, I am guessing it was due to the 105.4 Temp when I came home the evening of the 3rd day of hatch. It figures everything was going great t the temperature never fluctuated very much until the day I leave the house and go visit with the folks for a couple of hours. :(
My first to hatch was our very first Snowy Call duckling...

Lost most of my chick hatch due to not pushing the humidity pan far enough back so it ran dry a full day early while we were gone...

But still got a bunch of chickies...

Lavender Ameraucana...

Black Ameraucana...

Cream Legbar pullet...

Cream Legbar cockerel...


8 Call ducklings
56 chicks

64 total hatched...


@mlm Mike
My final number for the HAL is 1/16 porcelain d'Uccle from those horrible shipped eggs. Hatched on Friday.
Oh, I'm so sorry honey! At least he has the one for now & maybe you can find more from somewhere closer. Those are beautiful birds.
1 is better than none! I hope it's a boy so it can cover lots of ladies!



Bummer, but at least you got 1!

Thank you! We have three porcelain chicks altogether now. One hatched from the eggs that we had when the flock was killed. That one acts like a little roo and it's from our flock!

Then we had one hatch from some other scrambled shipped eggs. Now this little one from shipped eggs hatched for this HAL.
We have some more shipped eggs that may hatch on Monday. Unfortunately the power went out the other night for four hours and I didn't know it. They got really cold. Several died, but there are still 8 alive. Maybe we'll get one more to hatch.....

An ever so slow way to build the flock back up! One chick at a time! A few more shipped eggs will be coming soon that are from our bloodlines.

@Scovy Momma Thank you!
Glad you got a different bator.

My Easter hatch is growing so fast and some already have feathers ..

The chicks are

Molten Houdan's

Russian Orloff

Easter Eggers

The bad part is they are growing up so fast and I had no problem getting rid of other chicks I hatched earlier in March .


My Easter hatch is growing so fast and some already have feathers ..

The chicks are

Molten Houdan's

Russian Orloff

Easter Eggers

The bad part is they are growing up so fast and I had no problem getting rid of other chicks I hatched earlier in March .

Hi Gander, what color eggs do the Russian Orloff lay? and what about the Molten Houdans? I'm assuming the EE's are probably blue or green.
Whoooo so far five chicks 0 Roos and 5 hens and still more pippin when are the final numbers due because my eggs are takin their sweet time ;)
Hey all still waiting on one more egg that's under a broody that counts towards my numbers. It's alive and has an internal pip.

On the other fronts Lovey hatched 3/4 one was a late quitter and in crazy news was mushy... Just like the eggs I had in my bator. Odd considering my hatch was completely dry until lockdown. The extra egg that counts was a "sacrificial egg" that accidentally got left and then when we realized we couldn't toss it.

Mary Anne hatched 4/4 but tonight we took her away from the chicks and Lovey and out her back with the main flock. I've never had a broody before but she has been bipolar since hatch not with us with the chicks. All of a sudden she goes nuts and pecks them hard her chicks Lovey's chicks it doesn't matter to her. She even picked up a cuckoo Marans chick and shook her head and threw it. I feel awful of course BC she was search calling for her chicks. Did I do the right thing? I didn't want to risk the chicks.

So the bator was a disappointment. We got an okay hatch about 58% and currently have 20 chicks out of 36 eggs that locked down. Most of those were lost to being mushy and sticky. A couple I think quit on day 17-18. We actually got two more chicks than that but lost two of the 6 assists we did. So idk if that counts or not. We still have one baby I'm worried about with an unusual navel. That and a pair of silkies that were unsteady. One of which was splay legged. It's hobble is off and tomorrow if all checks out they will be placed in the brooder with the rest of the chicks. Except Lovey's and all but one of Mary Anne's. Lovey may be a ditzy broody but she's an amazing mother. I watched her get 9 chicks under her tonight after we removed Mary Anne. She only has 6 right now.

In other news we went and picked up our feedstore chicks today! We got 5 speckled Sussex pullets and 5 st run white rocks. We also had a list of extras we wanted, but it turned out the hatchery shorted the store they didn't get any EE or salmon faverolles. I can live without the EE we love our girls from last year but I was really hoping for two faverolles pullets. We will see if they get them in May. W also got a light Brahma, two cuckoo Marans, and two brown leghorns. I'm thrilled! Hopefully can give you my final numbers tomorrow.

In other news we hatched some silkies from our mixed flock of silkies so I know they probably won't have nameable colors. Feel free to guess though. We have a buff hen, 2 white hens, and a splash hen although some people have told me she's gray. Idk help!



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