The 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!

im having incubator issues. set my eggs in my little giant 9300 still incubator,on the 3 of February and hatch day was supposed to be the 24th, i took automatic turner out 3 days b4 hatch day just like the directions said, my temp stayed at 98 an my humidity wouldn't stay past 60. I'm using a still air, and it has holes in the bottom but do i need to plug them up? all my water runs out when i add water, i left the eggs till today cause they were stinking. so i opened them an one was rotten, and the other two had chicks in them but i think they had died on the 21st day:(. should i plug the holes? should i place a hand held little fan inside? please some one help me:(

60 is ideal for me when in lock down. I don't use plugs, at all. During incubation, I don't use the wells, I just use a small piece of sponge, just wet it every time I turn the eggs.

Were these bantam or Large Fowl eggs?

Bantams..especially silkie eggs can be hard to hatch. Were these shipped? Or from your own eggs. Shipped eggs, not as good a percentage as if from your own. Doesn't sound like you had many in there. ?? Even less a chance to get shipped eggs to hatch.
My baby is deformed!!! I finally got a good look at her tonight after I got off work, and she has an eye that is weirdly small and juts out from her head strangely. She also has a very mild case of scissor beak, but it doesn't look bad enough to effect eating. No wonder she had trouble getting out with her beak all screwy! I'm worried about her. When she managed to life her head, she ends up sitting up like a begging dog- can't think of another way to describe it, and she looks so pathetic! I hope she makes it! Still no pips from the others, but they're still moving around in there...I'm so sad. Poor baby
So sad when you see them like that. I hope it does well..and what's up with those other eggs? Are they large large?

Come on chickies!!
My baby is deformed!!! I finally got a good look at her tonight after I got off work, and she has an eye that is weirdly small and juts out from her head strangely. She also has a very mild case of scissor beak, but it doesn't look bad enough to effect eating. No wonder she had trouble getting out with her beak all screwy! I'm worried about her. When she managed to life her head, she ends up sitting up like a begging dog- can't think of another way to describe it, and she looks so pathetic! I hope she makes it! Still no pips from the others, but they're still moving around in there...I'm so sad. Poor baby

Oh no I hope the baby does okay. Pictures?
Hi guys, this looks like fun so I will be joining. So far I will be hatching 60 eggs laid by my own mixed breed backyard flock. The two boys,an Australorp and a Boschvelder have done their job well. And the ladies too! (my most hardy RIR`s and boschvelders).
My baby is deformed!!! I finally got a good look at her tonight after I got off work, and she has an eye that is weirdly small and juts out from her head strangely. She also has a very mild case of scissor beak, but it doesn't look bad enough to effect eating. No wonder she had trouble getting out with her beak all screwy! I'm worried about her. When she managed to life her head, she ends up sitting up like a begging dog- can't think of another way to describe it, and she looks so pathetic! I hope she makes it! Still no pips from the others, but they're still moving around in there...I'm so sad. Poor baby
Don't quote me...but it seems to me that I may have come across something about possible deformities with turning issues. I've read so much stuff that I question that. Someone more knowledgeable like Ron may be able to enlighten us. It can due to other reasons...there's so many variables to every stage of hatching and even before the egg is laid which may or may not affect the chick. I didn't have any like that...I had a terrible time with my little quailees. I'll see if I can find the thing I'm thinking of.
Hi guys, this looks like fun so I will be joining. So far I will be hatching 60 eggs laid by my own mixed breed backyard flock. The two boys,an Australorp and a Boschvelder have done their job well. And the ladies too! (my most hardy RIR`s and boschvelders).
Welcome to BYC! And, welcome to the Hatch A Long.....


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