The African and Chinese goose thread!!

Hi. I have 6 geese. Are they African or hybrids? It's hard to take a picture because flee :) On the pictures are small geese, and when a little grown.

I love these geese but they are cowardly. When I go to them always flee. They have got 6 weeks and about 3 kilos. I can`t wait until they start to lay eggs. How many I need geese for one gander? I must check gender but still search good instruction.
I love these geese but they are cowardly. When I go to them always flee. They have got 6 weeks and about 3 kilos. I can`t wait until they start to lay eggs. How many I need geese for one gander? I must check gender but still search good instruction.
Try spending time around them just ignoring them but slowly working or just sitting out with them.. It really does make a difference in how they perceive us and get to know us. I sit outside with all my flock alot Not only do I have geese but I have Runner ducks who really are pretty nervous compared to Muscovy's which is my other breed of duck all hatched here but I have been spending alot of time just sitting out with the Runners and I can see a big difference in how they feel around me. Thank goodness. lol So give them time and remember treats are another good way to get into their good graces. My geese love chopped greens romaine lettuce, chopped cabbage, chopped tomatoes and water melon. Plus they get grain too.

Usually 2-3 geese to 1 gander. That lil one with it's neck stretched out makes me think of a lil gander. That is so precious.
Quote: Welcome to BYC! Really too young to tell. Its typical for a young gander to stand watch over a goose flock. That may help you to see him/them early on. The picture of the older geese just is not close up enough to judge.

I love these geese but they are cowardly. When I go to them always flee. They have got 6 weeks and about 3 kilos. I can`t wait until they start to lay eggs. How many I need geese for one gander? I must check gender but still search good instruction.
Use food treats they love. SLOW movement is important, goslings will frighten easily. Sit on a chair, or the ground and offer treats. let them come to you and bond. I touch my geese on the neck and breast to show them affection. Gee loves his neck stroked, he is my oldest gander. Mine readily come to me and greet me every morning. Favorite treats here is romaine lettuce or fermented whole corn.
hi Micheal2016 welcome, I love the last picture they are so cute. I got my blues as adults it did not take long and they come right up to me now specially the female if I have greens for them she gets so close I think she is going to climb up my leg. it just takes time .
Here is a picture from today of my little shy friend! She really enjoys getting misted with the hose. Our heat index here today is 102 degrees!! I noticed that she is getting that dew lap (none of the others have this) and her bill is different from my other geese as well. I'm wondering if the others are Chinese geese instead of african or maybe she is a buff Chinese?? I'm so confused!
Sorry for the months reply That's 100% a Buff African female and looks just like my Buff African goslings (not so goslings anymore).
So the goose I rescued back in May has started laying eggs!!?? She had laid some eggs when we rescued her and we brought them with her but she never sat on them again when we brought her to our farm. I hatched 2 friends for her and the male is really interested in her now. He is trying to breed her in the kiddie pool. He is only about 4 months old but full size. Is it normal for a Toulouse goose to lay multiple times per year? Could the eggs be fertile? The male is an African goose. We have 8 goose eggs thus far. How many will she lay?

Confused in NC...

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