The African and Chinese goose thread!!

Here is mine. 11 weeks old. I was told this is an African but not sure. Bill is starting to turn orange in spots. And can you tell goose or gander yet?
What would cause a goose to just start limping? My Sunshine was limping yesterday (I haven't been out to see him yet today). I couldn't see any issues or injuries when I checked his foot/leg. When he was little, he went through a period where I was giving him extra niacin for weak, wobbly legs buy that was when they were still basically brooder kept. They free range all day now and typically eat nothing but grass/weeds (and a few bites of chicken food when they feel like it). Do I Need to supplement him again? I thought they got enough niacin on their own once free ranged?
I have had 3 chinese geese for about 5 years now one male and 2 female. the male has a higher pitch voice than the females and the females do a deep honk. plus the knob is very large on the male. If I remember right they were several months old before I could tell the sex. I have a month old baby now who is sick. Dying I think. I can't get him to eat. I brought him in the house to warm and dry him out,
the baby is still covered in yellow fuzz and very small. The male geese heard the females around by pinching and goosing.
So, is that 1 male and 3 females?

Here's mine. They are about 8 weeks old, not sure of the sex but one is getting bigger than the other with a thicker neck so we think he is a male. Their names were Duckie and Little Foot from the movies Land Before Time, but we've changed the name of the one that we think is a male to Mr. Magoo. He doesn't see too good. Not blind but close to it.

Post pics and info having to do with African and chinese geese here.
I'll start : These are my African/Chinese geese

These are definitely the African goose. the chinese goose is white with a orange beak and feet, of course these african have the black beaks and feet, very pretty geese. all of my geese have the hump but the males is huge. Another thing that distinguishes the females is they have sort of short looking legs and the males seem to stand more straight.

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