The African and Chinese goose thread!!


You see here Eleanore; Ellie for short. Ellie was one of this years' gals and she's been laying eggs for about 2 weeks now. It's the usual laying schedule for a goose, every other day. But it's the wrong time of year, isn't it? The first time I caught her broody, I thought she was brooding a duck egg. I've compared the eggs, though and it's bigger and has that more tapered end of a goose egg.

What's up with this? Will she lay more next spring?

We're taking the eggs she is laying. With winter coming up, there's just no way of incubating and brooding goslings with 3' of snow. She's got us puzzled, so any answers would help. Thanks.
Sissy laid a few last January, but they froze. Then she got all busy and laid more in March; hatched at the end of April. Molly laid hers in May and hatched end of June. I guess it's not all wonky....

This just goes to prove that what you learn about an animal is *sometimes* true but not all the time.
Here are a pair of juveniles I hatched this year (boy on left/girl on right) from white geese/brown ganders. Neither got much in the way of markings.

My brown Chinese goose has a stripe like that across her chest. She must not be all brown Chinese. Her and the brown Chinese gander hatched a couple of babies awhile ago. They are just starting to get feather so it will be interesting to see if they have any white on them.
I hatched a brown/white cross gander last February that looks like my juvenile girl with the white striping. He also has a white dewlap and some white around his beak, but that's it. Here is a recent pic of him.
I hate cruel people. My poor Minnie died from complications from the shot that happened a few days ago. I thought she was getting better she looked good and acted normal but sometime during the night she must have started picking at it again and she bled to death. I found her in a puddle of blood positioned like she was sleeping. Its bad when you lose goslings but i think its worse when they are full grown and you have gotten more attached to them.
I was so excited thinking she would be giving me eggs this coming season but no some idiot had to be mean and kill an innocent animal. This whole month started bad and ended bad, i buried one of my horses on the first day and one of my geese on the last day.
Planning on putting up a privacy fence so that none of the others can get shot while playing in the pond.
8geese, very sorry to hear the terrible news.
I hate cruel people. My poor Minnie died from complications from the shot that happened a few days ago. I thought she was getting better she looked good and acted normal but sometime during the night she must have started picking at it again and she bled to death. I found her in a puddle of blood positioned like she was sleeping. Its bad when you lose goslings but i think its worse when they are full grown and you have gotten more attached to them.
I was so excited thinking she would be giving me eggs this coming season but no some idiot had to be mean and kill an innocent animal. This whole month started bad and ended bad, i buried one of my horses on the first day and one of my geese on the last day.
Planning on putting up a privacy fence so that none of the others can get shot while playing in the pond.
Oh 8 I am so sorry to hear about Minnie that is so sad.
Such a shame people have no respect for life anymore that they shot a goose for no apparent reason.

Very sorry about your horse too..
I Just got two 4 month old white Chinese geese and they have awesome personality and took to my 4 moth old toulouse goose like long lost brothers!
I am hoping my toulouse is male so I can get the chinese eggs this spring,
does anyone know of any chinese toulouse mixes because im very tempted to allow them to breed this spring :)

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