The African and Chinese goose thread!!

So sorry fowlmoma it is so disappointing when the goslings die either in the shell or hatch and mom is sitting so tight she suffocates the goslings. This is why many breeders take the eggs away when the see them externally piped with mom. To help finish hatching them in an incubator. Then when safe and up and about then have supervised visits with mom.
Well the egg/gosling that was hatching today I found dead half hatched this evening. ..I'm so discouraged & I feel mad...what the heck is going on? The gosling was fully formed & looked completely normal.....except it was dead.....three eggs remain....I'm ready for this to be over with....too stressful and heart wrenching..I'm dreading these last three eggs...I'm so worried their going to die too........I'm so grateful for our healthy gosling! I'm MORE than happy to raise baby myself. I DO NOT want ANYTHING happening to this baby!
I plan to spoil it rotten! Like I said before, I adore my three geese & have a truly unique bond with Hansel my African this baby is super duper special to me....don't get me wrong...I love my ducks too.....there's simply a different type of bond with them.....
I can't imagine hand feeding all those babies LB. Wow! That's a lot of work! Way to go! Like you said the reward is SO worth all the effort!
So very sorry for your loss

Its really hard. It seems like my early season goslings are not quite as hardy.
I am so attached to my geese, they are my pets. There is always favorites of course, but the babies are precious.
My first hatch this year is coming up the 8th, can't wait! Candling tomorrow to see how the eggs are progressing.
Well the egg/gosling that was hatching today I found dead half hatched this evening. ..I'm so discouraged & I feel mad...what the heck is going on? The gosling was fully formed & looked completely normal.....except it was dead.....three eggs remain....I'm ready for this to be over with....too stressful and heart wrenching..I'm dreading these last three eggs...I'm so worried their going to die too........I'm so grateful for our healthy gosling! I'm MORE than happy to raise baby myself. I DO NOT want ANYTHING happening to this baby!
I plan to spoil it rotten! Like I said before, I adore my three geese & have a truly unique bond with Hansel my African this baby is super duper special to me....don't get me wrong...I love my ducks too.....there's simply a different type of bond with them.....
I can't imagine hand feeding all those babies LB. Wow! That's a lot of work! Way to go! Like you said the reward is SO worth all the effort!
Hi fowlmama, have your other eggs pipped yet? If so, take them out and put them in a nice warm place to hatch and you shouldn´t lose any more. This is why I took the hatching eggs away from my first-time mums, because they were crushing the babies. I only lost one because I got on top of it quickly. I gave the babies back afterwards and they´ve been excellent mums, it was just the hatching stage that it went wrong. Your present gosling will probably be fine with its parents now, it´s got beyond the crucial stage. But take the other hatching eggs out, keep them warm, and wait. I know I already told you this, but it worked. I put my eggs in an ice-cream pot with a thermometer inside in the shaded part, a glass of water to keep it all damp, a damp cloth, cling-film over the top with the smallest gap to regulate the heat, and a lamp over the top. they hatched, were fine, went back to the mums once they were on their feet. 3 other eggs I gave to a muscovy to hatch out, and she did great. It´s just some geese, especially first-timers. I hope you save your last ones.... if they´re fertile eggs, of course.
Ok! I have renewed hope! I'm trotting off to the nest to investigate! I'm willing to give these last THREE a go....using LB's methods as I do not own an incubator. Update to follow!
and a HUGE thanks to jchny2000 & RuRu! I appreciate your words....more than you know!
I chickened out.....ugh.....I'm too afraid I'm not going to do something right and I will be the cause of the goslings dying......I don't know if I can stomach that guilt.....I removed two of the 3 eggs to candle and I could clearly hear the "clicking" and faint chirping in one egg, no external signs of pipping and nothing coming from the other......I'm such an idiot I didn't mark the "clicking" egg! Sometimes I get on my own nerves! Geez.....
I put both eggs back under lydikins.....
I Only have a digital thermometer, and Tupperware containers.....I just don't have the confidence that I can do this......right...I have cling wrap and the regular heat lamp which is currently shining on my surviving gosling.....
I feel ****** if I do and ****** if I don't......THIS right here is why I will NEVER allow another clutch to be sat upon! It is entirely WAY TOO stressful come hatch time.....anyway....ANYONES input is VERY Welcome......please....
I cannot afford an incubator so let's rule that option out at this point
Fowlmama,I feel your pain and frustration! I'm not sure what I'd do about the remaining eggs. However, I would like to believe that if you gave your goose another chance to sit, she'd probably do much better next time.
I chickened out.....ugh.....I'm too afraid I'm not going to do something right and I will be the cause of the goslings dying......I don't know if I can stomach that guilt.....I removed two of the 3 eggs to candle and I could clearly hear the "clicking" and faint chirping in one egg, no external signs of pipping and nothing coming from the other......I'm such an idiot I didn't mark the "clicking" egg! Sometimes I get on my own nerves! Geez.....
I put both eggs back under lydikins.....
I Only have a digital thermometer, and Tupperware containers.....I just don't have the confidence that I can do this......right...I have cling wrap and the regular heat lamp which is currently shining on my surviving gosling.....
I feel ****** if I do and ****** if I don't......THIS right here is why I will NEVER allow another clutch to be sat upon! It is entirely WAY TOO stressful come hatch time.....anyway....ANYONES input is VERY Welcome......please....
I cannot afford an incubator so let's rule that option out at this point
Gosh I feel like she's been an exemplary mom as far as sitting for these babies dying I'm baffled. ..does it sound like she's smothering them? The last two were "almost" completely hatched......
Gosh I feel like she's been an exemplary mom as far as sitting for these babies dying I'm baffled. ..does it sound like she's smothering them? The last two were "almost" completely hatched......
No marks on them like she may have attacked them? I had a broody duck a couple years ago that was an awesome broody then come hatch day first duckling she attacked as soon as it hatched, I wasn't sure at first what was going on so I slipped it back under her but she attacked it's lil head so I had to take it away, it was clearly an attack here though, next year I was ready to intervene and she was an awesome mom. Difference between first timers I guess, although I've have had other first time moms do a great job of mothering. This is my first time with a broody goose.
I wonder if the babies got shrinkwrapped. With all the upset for broody mom, the hatchlings may be getting exposed to dry air.

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