The African and Chinese goose thread!!

Thanks, I wasn't surprised when my bully gosling, (who my father and hubby call Noel because they are threatening to make Christmas dinner out of him if he don't stop attack the others) came and attacked. He is a mean little bugger. But my sweetest gosling, Jasper also attacked and that really surprised me. I will take introductions slow and steady, with how fast they grow the new babies will quickly catch up!

I know everyone says romane lettuce is good for geese, I'm planning to add some to my garden for them. But I already stated kale and spinach for them and have been giving it to them. How is that nutritionally for them? They also get parsley and other enable clipping from my garden, plus grass time unless the weather stinks. Like today, it was drizzling and windy and in the low 60's so I chopped some parsley and spinach and put it in their run.
Oh crap, I thought onions and avocado were toxic? I know tomatoe leaves are toxic, as is rhubarb. Wow, good thing they didn't get much, ill throw the rest into the compost. What about turnip greens, kale, Brussels sprouts?
Can you give me ideas for a healthy garden for them?
Turns out onions and avocado are toxic to dogs, as well cabbage, grapes, macadamia nuts, raisins, garlic,apple seeds (contain cyanide), yeast, coffee, and chocolate.

I think I lost my mind, if you see it running around please catch and return it to mel.:th
I'm going to go make a chart listing what is toxic to who, at least until my brains comes back online.

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