The African and Chinese goose thread!!

Thank you! All I did was turn em. N spirtz em from time to time. The test was all momma n dad.
Well you and mama and dad did real well.
Miss Lydia that made me laugh as,,,,just this AM I heard a horrific squacking. Looked around to see my gander with a rooster by the tail! The rooster was actually flying & making a noise that shoulda shook the neighbors outta their beds! When the gander let go..he shook himself & raised his head to honk at the rooster as if telling him.."Now you Know who is boss here..right!!"

They usually get along quite well ..I do not know what set this off..but I do know it was indeed a rib tickler!!

Miss Lydia that made me laugh as,,,,just this AM I heard a horrific squacking. Looked around to see my gander with a rooster by the tail! The rooster was actually flying & making a noise that shoulda shook the neighbors outta their beds! When the gander let go..he shook himself & raised his head to honk at the rooster as if telling him.."Now you Know who is boss here..right!!"

They usually get along quite well ..I do not know what set this off..but I do know it was indeed a rib tickler!!

I know that sound, first time I heard it I thought something had climb the fence and was on the attack, nope it was only my 10 week old gosling with the hens wing in his mouth with her tryi ng to fly away. Glad to hear your roo is okay. lol

Lucy Goose selfie

Quote: My oldest gander does not tolerate any fights between any birds. He intervenes, and flogs them! So we have no rooster fights here anymore. If the younger boys try it Gee stops it quick. I guess he likes things friendly and quiet like momma does
If a young roo or gander thinks they want to attack mom, he will also flog them before I get the chance to correct them.

My Gee late winter
handsome boy he is!
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My oldest gander does not tolerate any fights between any birds. He intervenes, and flogs them! So we have no rooster fights here anymore. If the younger boys try it Gee stops it quick. I guess he likes things friendly and quiet like momma does
If a young roo or gander thinks they want to attack mom, he will also flog them before I get the chance to correct them.

My Gee late winter
handsome boy he is!
Aww they are gorgeous.. Geese love to keep things orderly my Scovy's cannot mate if any of the geese are around they all run up and scream in the drakes ear until he runs off. [Good for the duck though]
The geese are only afraid of one other in our yard and that's our one Scovy drake they all run in fear when he is around. Crazy as that sounds.
well no more rooster fights..they all are dispatched except the one I wanted to keep. Too many roos' making life miserable for my girls. The other day one of the roos made a noise & one of my older hens just squatted down as if to say...get it over with! When 2 or sometimes 3 roos' try to top one hen...poor gal. I just decided that is that, so my son came over this morning & we made quick work of the extra fellers. Made me a lil sad that no one wanted them as they were beautiful Dominique Roo's...oh well. I suppose my girls will pass of old age. I really do not wanna do that again.

Funny but worrisome lil Indian Runner Drake.....must be about 4 lbs of terror!! Anyhow while my big gander was in the tub having a fun bath...the Indian Runner got hold of the back of the ganders neck & held on like a bull dog! I was spraying them & trying to get them apart. When the Indian guy turned loose of the gander he stood there with his head curled back against his neck for a time..then after several head shakes got back to his normal self. It was scary! I have never had anything like that happen before. If Mr Indian continues on this path he will be riding the sky currents as a ghost duck!!

Much much quieter in the chicken yard with only one roo and this one does not crow as often as the others did. He does however call for the hens when he finds food & goes running for them when he hears a noise that does not sound right. So I am thinking I made a good choice & kept the best provider! He has lovely feathered tail and is somewhat smaller in stature. Perhaps he will blossom now that he is the King of the Coop!

About time to tuck in for the nite....

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