The African and Chinese goose thread!!

Hi! Several months ago I posted a pic of my Chinese babies and asked for help sexing them. @servpolice made his guesses. Here they are again, about 6 months old. Weeble is in front and Wobble is behind her. Weeble is the smaller of them but is the boss of the waterfowl flock.
400's one for all of us geese crazy folk!

I changed my shoes! I have worn white deck shoes all summer..tonite I grabbed a pair of dark brown slip clogs.

My gander took one look at my feet and almost attacked me!! The goose was running around with her head down focused on those shoes!!

From their line of sight I guess a change like that is scary or intimidating??

We will see what happens when I show up in my winter mucklucks!!

Just a funny tale from down here at Stonebound Acres!~!

They do not like changes! If I wear jeans they freak out. A different color throws them off and you have to talk to them. I stay in shorts and sandals most of the year. Gee and my other geese do not like my wardrobe changes.
Hi! Several months ago I posted a pic of my Chinese babies and asked for help sexing them. @servpolice made his guesses. Here they are again, about 6 months old. Weeble is in front and Wobble is behind her. Weeble is the smaller of them but is the boss of the waterfowl flock.
Look for longer necks in ganders, and baggy bellies in goose hens. Hens can be alpha! but its usually your most mature gander. Side pictures are easier to tell what you have.
i remember them Haha but can't remember what i said the sexes were.But i can tell you now that the female is right at the camera the male is in the middle but i can't see the toulouse well :/
Thanks! That was your guess! I have sexed pairs of my toulouse and buffs. I'll see if I have a recent side of her. She is something else, lol, but I love her anyway.
Wow at that angle they both look male and look identical! but is one small because the Chinese futherest away still looks like a female but looks more male.And is one smaller
Weeble has the darker neck stripe and is the smaller of the 2. Even as goslings she/he was significantly smaller. Their knobs are about the same size.

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