The African and Chinese goose thread!!

Got Chinese and African goose cross with a tuluse. They hatched out a few days ago.
How precious! Congrats!
I do! Yes, please get control of the gander. He will be a good friend and an asset to your farm a long time. Just needs educated on his manners.
You need to have control of him. Wait until there is an aggressive act. Example, he tromps towards you, fluttering wings, head low and neck stretched out! He is posturing for attack.Wait til he is really close and going to pinch you! Its pretty easy to entice an aggressive gander to this point, just touch his hen!
Get that neck, below the jawline firmly but carefully. you do not want to crush his windpipe, I posture my hand so the wingpipe catches between thumb and forefinger.
Swoop your other arm and get those wings against his body! Pick him up. take him for a parade, and walk around any other birds you own. Talk to him in a firm voice! Angry scolding, let him know you are not pleased he is acting unsocial! @mothergoose08
should also me there walking with you. Scolding, touching and being firm. He will be shamed and realize, its not acceptable. When he stops struggling, he realizes that he is no longer the boss. Your gander must learn its not ok to be aggressive to any of your family, ever. It may take another round to convince him. Don't give up!

My gander Frankie was a handful a couple of years ago. We picked him up and held him pretty much like you described. Now when he starts to get a little testy all i have to do is say Frankie, would you like a hug? He then turns around and walks away with his beak in the air.
I got another gosling today so peepers wouldn't be alone outside. He/she hissed and snapped at it. How should I introduce it in a way Peepers won't feel threatened by it. Peepers is around 8-9 weeks old. Just finished feathering out.
It takes a little time. It took a few weeks before the flock would accept the minions. I would divided their pen in half so that they can see each other and keep peepers from picking on the new goose. They will eventually become best buddies.
I got another gosling today so peepers wouldn't be alone outside. He/she hissed and snapped at it. How should I introduce it in a way Peepers won't feel threatened by it. Peepers is around 8-9 weeks old. Just finished feathering out.
It takes a little time. It took a few weeks before the flock would accept the minions. I would divided their pen in half so that they can see each other and keep peepers from picking on the new goose. They will eventually become best buddies.
Good post! I have a "grow up pen" centered between my poultry coop and waterfowl coop. All babies go in there to learn to become part of the flock they belong to, regardless of species. Every bird species I keep, aside from quail are taught to comingle from the day they hatched. When they go outdoors, they learn to be part of the bigger flocks they belong to this way. Much less worry and stress on me and those babies. This is my 3rd year doing introductions this way, and its always went very well.
I got my first geese in 10+ years on Monday, I am enjoying them a lot! I got an African and a Chinese white - I got them from North 40. I call the white one Lucy and the African is Toulouse (because my ideal goose is named Toulouse). Lucy is super talkative, she'll chirp back and forth with me. Er, well, I don't know their genders of course, but the names have stuck. lol

I got my first geese in 10+ years on Monday, I am enjoying them a lot! I got an African and a Chinese white - I got them from North 40. I call the white one Lucy and the African is Toulouse (because my ideal goose is named Toulouse). Lucy is super talkative, she'll chirp back and forth with me. Er, well, I don't know their genders of course, but the names have stuck. lol

Goslings are the most precious thing
Every spring I so look forward to the "weeeweewees" as my DD calls them! I keep white and brown chinese, and Embden. My geese are my pets, and my goats.. like others keep dogs and cats.
I have a quick question. I bought some geese from a feed store, It was "hatchery's choice st. run". Three are either brown Chinese or African and one is I'm almost positive white Chinese (I wasn't going to get any white ones but it was going to be the last one left and all by itself so I couldn't just leave it
) The brown ones are the same age and quite a bit larger than the white one. My question is; is it safe to assume that the brown ones are indeed African and not brown Chinese?
Good post! I have a "grow up pen" centered between my poultry coop and waterfowl coop. All babies go in there to learn to become part of the flock they belong to, regardless of species. Every bird species I keep, aside from quail are taught to comingle from the  day they hatched. When they go outdoors, they learn to be part of the bigger flocks they belong to this way. Much less worry and stress on me and those babies. This is my 3rd year doing introductions this way, and its always went very well.

thank you. I bring little Letty out a little bit and allow them to be around each other. Hopefully when Letty gets a little bigger they will become best friends. Right now they tolerate each other.

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