The African and Chinese goose thread!!

Was watching my geese mating and my gander was dripping blood from his you know what any ideas as to why? Im not sure if geese are like ducks and loose there junk every season but what would cause that? I have a vid if anyone wants to see
Was watching my geese mating and my gander was dripping blood from his you know what any ideas as to why? Im not sure if geese are like ducks and loose there junk every season but what would cause that? I have a vid if anyone wants to see
Was it a lot of blood? could the female have bitten him? I honestly haven't ever seen anything like that lets see if @jchny2000 Has she has alot more breeding geese.

I have a funny question (I think). I have a Chinese white female. She is 2 years old. Last may she was very broody (she was alone; we had to rehome the gander when he became impossible to keep; they were the only 2). I got a gosling, tossed it in the nest and Mother Goose became a mother. She was thrilled (it seems). The baby was an African gray (it was a mixed race adoption). Now the gray is on the way to 1 year old. I thought it was a girl mainly because the gray is similar in size to the white, knobs are similar. Then, we had hanky panky in the farmyard and I started thinking we had another gander. At first Mother (white) was on top but then it was always the gray (who I was naming "little sister" in Thai but.....). No eggs. No nest. Until....

Just the other day, 2 eggs, a nest, just like last year (no broody goose though, not yet). "Wow" I was thinking "We might have babies; very cool" (if I can get a broody mood on Mother). Well, today, I caught the gray IN THE NEST and fluffing out and caring for it. Under her were 2 distinctly different eggs! Well, I am not an animal husbandry expert by any means but I am clearly thinking these are 2 different mommas to the eggs. The first 2 eggs looked just like Mother's from last season. Today, one was clearly Mother's and the other... well it was long and skinny and nothing like an egg Mother ever laid last year.

So, what is going on?? I have 2 females? But they are acting as if one of them is male....?? Except they both lay eggs... and neither is broody at the moment.

I must have 2 females or i have a gander that will sit on a nest and Mother is laying very very different eggs.

Clear as mud to this city girl.

Thank you

Post pictures, Ganders have bigger legs, longer necks. Voice is shrill.
Was watching my geese mating and my gander was dripping blood from his you know what any ideas as to why? Im not sure if geese are like ducks and loose there junk every season but what would cause that? I have a vid if anyone wants to see
Post it, I have not ever seen that. My guess is its a young hen. I have seen blood on eggs when a goose starts to lay.
Post pictures, Ganders have bigger legs, longer necks. Voice is shrill.
Post it, I have not ever seen that. My guess is its a young hen. I have seen blood on eggs when a goose starts to lay.

My geese are going on 6 years old heres the vid its in slow motion theres two vids in the vid showing its him bleeding

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