The African and Chinese goose thread!!

My gosling Ricky is sneezing and caughing up bubbles, acting very congested, what do I do
Sounds like upper respiratory. Can you take him to a vet he may need an antibiotic? In the mean time if you can get some VetRx that is similar to Vicks but for birds, and use it with him it may help him breathe better.
I just read this, lol I actually had put a teensy bit of antibiotics in his water and a drop of vetrx in each nostril, he is no longer showing any symptoms
Miss Lydia has been so amazing answering all my ignorant questions about geese. This question one I would like to ask everyone:
My African goslings were hatched March 13th. Yesterday I returned home from a trip and drained their swim pool, refilled it and as soon as Homer (the gosling gander) and Mini (one of the 3 women but the smallest) got in the pool he mated Mini!
My question is, has anyone else experienced this and isn't this too young? Totally ignorant of geese vs chickens in this area.

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