The Age Old Question! Help Me Out Here... Pullet or Cockerel


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 4, 2011

We have five younger chickens that we bought in February. They are all now 20 weeks. One has laid an egg so I'm sure she's a she... We just don't know about Inky, Winnie, and Olive. We *think* that LuLu is a girl because she squats but maybe she's a submissive he... :)

Here are their pictures:

Inky - Mottled Java

Winnie - Cuckoo Maran?

Olive - Easter Egger

Olive's Comb

Olive's Tail

Olive from the top...

Thanks so much for looking at this post!

Kandi - Wife, Mom of Three, Master of the Flock of Nine at Cluckingham Palace
I think the EE and Marans are definitely girls. I don't know anything about Mottled Javas, but the tail on that one looks girly to me as well. Hopefully someone more experienced will chime in. :) Lovely birds!

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