Sandy watched the duo from across the park. He was very interested in what they were doing, so he went a bit closer. Just a couple feet, assuming they were dangerous. He watched with interest as Reid tried to revive his friend.
Nigel awoke suddenly to Reid slapping his face. "What just happened?" He blurted as he woke up. "Where's preview???? What did you do with him? Man, thanks for not dumping water on me!! That would have been a disaster. Now, as I was asking before, do you want to help me defeat preview?" Nigel stood up and brushed the grass and dirt off the back of his pants and shirt. Then, he smoothed back his hair and looked at Reid. Out of the corner of his eyes, Nigel saw a guy standing near them, watching them. "HEY?" Nigel yelled turning towards him, "What are you doing watching us???"
"Woah Nigel, don't get your hackles all in a knot" Reid held his friend back "I zipped Preview up in my backpack and threw him over..." Reid looked over where his backpack should have been, but wasn't "Oh dear..." He trailed off.
Sandy suppressed a scream and scrambled away from Nigel, who was greatly intimidating him.

(Side note, 'don't get your hackles all in a knot' is a saying I invented a while back after seeing roosters fight and raise their hackles all up. It's equivalent to 'chill out' :-D)
Name: preview
Age: --
Gender: male
Home Planet: Bacon
Personality: Robot
Side: bad
History: was made by Nigel
Special Talents: has a deep, ferocious voice, can maybe see into the future
Description: was a big hunk of metal and odds and ends, but turned himself into a cyborg. Now looks human
Last edited:
Name: preview
Age: --
Gender: male
Home Planet: Bacon
Personality: Robot
Side: bad
History: was made by Nigel
Special Talents: has a deep, ferocious voice
Description: was a big hunk of metal and odds and ends, but turned himself into a cyborg. Now looks human
Oh Nigel, what have you done?
Nigel all of a sudden forgot about Sandy, and turned his attention to Preview. Except, where WAS Preview?? "REID? WHAT DID YOU DO WITH PREVIEW??? Oooohh, if you let him get away, I will KILL YOU. I WILL KILL YOU, REID." Nigel's face was turning red and his veins were popping out. He stormed over towards Reid and looked him in the eyes. "Reid, you will tell me what you did with Preview. NOW!!!"
Nigel all of a sudden forgot about Sandy, and turned his attention to Preview. Except, where WAS Preview?? "REID? WHAT DID YOU DO WITH PREVIEW??? Oooohh, if you let him get away, I will KILL YOU. I WILL KILL YOU, REID." Nigel's face was turning red and his veins were popping out. He stormed over towards Reid and looked him in the eyes. "Reid, you will tell me what you did with Preview. NOW!!!"
"Woah Bro, chill" Reid tried to get Nigel to calm down "I tossed him over there, he just wandered off. I mean...he's just a robot, right? What could he possibly do?" He stared in his friends eyes. Now, he was genuinely alarmed "What are you not telling me?" He asked quietly.

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