The Ameraucana Thread: Where everything and anything about the breed can be discussed (APA, Non-Stan

That sounds great! I will check locally. The hen is beautiful and the breeder told me she was only ever under a black Ameracauna roo so the babies would be pure. Good ole Bertha, I'm going to sit them on the counter for a bit and see if any of the silkies decide they may be interested. If not, maybe someone local will want to hatch them! I live in a VERY small alabama county. Cross your fingers for me please!
I have seen it before (in EEs..
) where they have huge fuzzy faces as chicks, when they grow older its like they are working on all their other feathers first, before they grow in their beards. Their skimpy faces are still their chick down - but it sure looks smaller when they grow bigger...
Since I'm getting eggs early next week( wheaten/blue wheaten ) I wanted to know If someone could answer my questions I have. When can Ameraucanas be sexed? When will I be able to tell the wheaten from the blue wheaten? What is the earliest one can be shown? What is the general time they begin to lay? If I think of more questions I will ask. Thanks in advance.

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