The Ameraucana Thread: Where everything and anything about the breed can be discussed (APA, Non-Stan

I am anxiously waiting for my order of an assortment of ameraucana chicks from Paul Smith sometime this month. I order 20 chicks (blue, wheaten, lavender, splash). I believe I have everything prepared for them (brooder and a brand new coop). I plan to keep them in the house for six weeks but I wanted to know from the experts about the time I need to quarantine them before I move them to the new coop. I have 9 one year old hens that will be sharing the run with them once they are integrated (there is a partition in the run to separate them until they get big enough to put them together. Will 6 weeks be enough time for the chicks to develop their immune system? although I would like to move them to the coop earlier (maybe about 4 weeks old) but I have read different opinions so I really don't know what is best at this point. 4 weeks, 6 weeks?
I am new to the ameraucana breed (although I do have an EE which I dearly love) so any input you can give me will be greatly appreciated.
Everyone is different. This is what I do to build immunities and to make integration easier. I might work for you, and it might not.
I dig a plug of dirt out of the yard where the chickens go, and put it with the new chicks from day one. I add leaves, and litter from the coop every week. I feed them fermented feed and make sure they have ACV in the water.

On sunny days I take them outside in the big coop as soon as I can. As long as it is not freezing, I take them out and let them go with the big birds. I have several big birds that are fine with chicks as long as the chicks are not by food. I supervise and let them run around longer and longer until they are almost integrated. By 4 weeks they are outside pretty much all day with the big birds except at feeding times. The chicks learn pretty fast who to avoid and where to hide and how fast to run. I do not feed with the adults until they are the same size.
I am anxiously waiting for my order of an assortment of ameraucana chicks from Paul Smith sometime this month. I order 20 chicks (blue, wheaten, lavender, splash). I believe I have everything prepared for them (brooder and a brand new coop). I plan to keep them in the house for six weeks but I wanted to know from the experts about the time I need to quarantine them before I move them to the new coop. I have 9 one year old hens that will be sharing the run with them once they are integrated (there is a partition in the run to separate them until they get big enough to put them together. Will 6 weeks be enough time for the chicks to develop their immune system? although I would like to move them to the coop earlier (maybe about 4 weeks old) but I have read different opinions so I really don't know what is best at this point. 4 weeks, 6 weeks? 
I am new to the ameraucana breed (although I do have an EE which I dearly love) so any input you can give me will be greatly appreciated.
I certainly would take precautions with integrating small peeps into an area with older birds. The advice Delilah gave is brilliant. It is important to expose your peeps to any cooties out in the yard early so it does not overwhelm their immune system down the road. ACV in the water is a must as well as introducing them to "used" chicken dirt from the adult run. Have corid on hand in case anyone starts feeling crummy. Sometimes I do a precautionary corid treatment when they are transitioning to outside anyway. It won't hurt anyone to do 10 days of treatment just to be safe. I learned my lesson the hard way and lost almost 10 chicks due to poor integration techniques, you cannot be too cautious about it! Good luck and enjoy your sweet new peeps! You must be excited!
They have different types of combs. Ameraucana's have a pea comb. Here is a chart that might answer your questions about combs.

What a great chart! Thanks for posting it!
I am anxiously waiting for my order of an assortment of ameraucana chicks from Paul Smith sometime this month. I order 20 chicks (blue, wheaten, lavender, splash). I believe I have everything prepared for them (brooder and a brand new coop). I plan to keep them in the house for six weeks but I wanted to know from the experts about the time I need to quarantine them before I move them to the new coop. I have 9 one year old hens that will be sharing the run with them once they are integrated (there is a partition in the run to separate them until they get big enough to put them together. Will 6 weeks be enough time for the chicks to develop their immune system? although I would like to move them to the coop earlier (maybe about 4 weeks old) but I have read different opinions so I really don't know what is best at this point. 4 weeks, 6 weeks?
I am new to the ameraucana breed (although I do have an EE which I dearly love) so any input you can give me will be greatly appreciated.
How exciting! I have 9 chicks in the brooder right now that are from his lines. (Blue/black/splash). Since there will be a partition separating the chicks from the older birds I would just wait until they are fully feathered out before you move them to the coup. I guess after that is it up to you when you decide to let them all run together. I think it's different with each individual flock. As long as you have the correct amount of sqft. per bird I don't think you will have many problems. I would also make sure you have multiple food and water stations available for them to use so that they get enough to eat and drink and don't get pushed around by the older birds. Overall, it would probably be best to wait at least 6 weeks, but 8 is better.
Thank you so much for your replies, it certainly helps a lot to know what other chicken owners do regarding their new chick flock. I am very much excited about getting my chicks, I have been preparing everything in advance for months to make sure they will be comfortable when they come home. I am very sure that I will be coming up with more questions as they grow up so I am very happy I found this thread.
I do have another question regarding mixing my new batch of ameraucana chicks with my layers. I am hoping to be able to integrate them before the babies are 5 months old, I will have separate feeders and waterers for both flocks, but once they are integrated the babies will have access to the layers feed (even though they will have their grower feeder in their side of he run). At this point I think I need to change the layers feed. I am giving them crushed egg shells and they have a dish with oyster shells at all times, will this be enough calcium for them if I switch my layers to grower feed?
My hens have access to their feeder all the time and are used to eat anytime they want to, I would hate to change and take their feeder away. I also wonder if the chicks will eat the oyster shells from the layers dish. Oh boy, this is getting a bit complicated maybe I should just wait until the chicks are 5 months old to open the partition, then everybody can eat layer feed.
Any opinions about this feeding issue?
Thanks a lot in advance!
I do have another question regarding mixing my new batch of ameraucana chicks with my layers. I am hoping to be able to integrate them before the babies are 5 months old, I will have separate feeders and waterers for both flocks, but once they are integrated the babies will have access to the layers feed (even though they will have their grower feeder in their side of he run). At this point I think I need to change the layers feed. I am giving them crushed egg shells and they have a dish with oyster shells at all times, will this be enough calcium for them if I switch my layers to grower feed?
My hens have access to their feeder all the time and are used to eat anytime they want to, I would hate to change and take their feeder away. I also wonder if the chicks will eat the oyster shells from the layers dish. Oh boy, this is getting a bit complicated maybe I should just wait until the chicks are 5 months old to open the partition, then everybody can eat layer feed.
Any opinions about this feeding issue?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Relax you are worrying too much.Either plan will work.Excess calcium is passed out in the poo.
Quote: Have you considered *All Flock*? It is a maintenance feed for everyone over 16 weeks. You put out shells, calcium, grit, fresh fruits and vegetables like spinach, kale, squash, herbs..what ever you have growing in the garden too. If they need it they choose it. It is fine for chicks to choose shells and calcium. The problem does come in when it is hidden in a bag and they do not choose it. I imagine that is why you are worried. Baby's eat what they are shown to eat.
Layer feed is for layers for that very reason.

Excessive calcium is stored in organs, bones and passed in poo.

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