The Ameraucana Thread: Where everything and anything about the breed can be discussed (APA, Non-Stan

Very cute! I hope splash gets approved as a color soon. They are such pretty birds.

Does anyone know what shade of blue is more desirable to judges? Dark or light?
The light ones will not do well at a show.I think the big change is going to be good lacing.These will be the winners as they become established.
I have read posts saying to look at the feather shafts on the neck for wheaten ameraucanas to tell boy from girl. Dark means boy, red means girl.... Is this accurate? I can't tell what they are, to me it looks like dark and red! LOL

I also heard if they have much color they are male....

Does this look like a roo or it still too early to tell?


Okay, so I bought some White Ameruacana hens about a month ago. They are around a year old. So is it normal for this breed varitey to lay small eggs? These hens eggs are no bigger than bantam eggs and they are LF. Very pretty hens but a little disappointed on the egg production, they don't lay but about every 3 to 4 days.
Here are my AMs Splash pullet splash rooster blue pullet
i am so intrigued by these splash Am. I have a hen and a roo that look so similar. We rescued them from the local feed & seed. They were little white chicks with Dalmatian spot I loved them, no one knew what they were. After a lot of researching, I had decided they were moat likely tetra tints. However now the female has a little tufts like my Ameracauna, and their legs have changed from a cheery orange to a ruddy grey black. I didn't know the splash Ameracauna was a thing. After calling the Jasper feed & seed, his chicks are dropped off from both hatcheries and from locals selling peeps. The roo doesn't have the Am. Beard but the hen definitely does..she grew up white with black Dalmatian spots, she looks like my paint silkie. The roo also has a rust colored patch down his chest. Perhaps they have a little Ameracauna in them. I don't think that's a parent bird for the tetra tint. Who knows. The other little red peep I got that day is also a mystery some 12 weeks later.

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