The Ameraucana Thread: Where everything and anything about the breed can be discussed (APA, Non-Stan

I believe I said their chicks are black and white. They looked very similar in coloring to the Black Ameraucana chicks. At least the chicks I saw on the ABC website did.

Are these your birds? Do you have any pictures of them growing up? I think they are beautiful.

Oops, sorry, thought you said the adults were, no, unfortunately, they aren't my birds, I only have blues, and project paints, I wish they were though! . I can find pics of them growing up though, here are some

Can anyone tell me are my mystery girls (8 weeks) Americaunas. They are definitely not the australorps I thought I was getting
They are little loves.
and the pretty chest

this is when I first got them...

About 3 wks old

My lil black beard today


this is the one who has no cheeks or beard (today)

the cheekless one and a cheeked one

Hmm.. the light brown ones are definitely Easter Eggers - not Ameraucanas. Chipmunk striped chicks, green legs, wrong colors .. all give them away as not being Ameraucanas.

I wonder if the black ones are the Ameraucanas that some of the Hatcheries have started selling? I saw them in a few places for sale, if the hatcheries haven't been messing with their genetics they might be good. However, I don't trust the hatcheries not to throw some of their favorite "fixes" in the mix, so they may already have been crossed with a leghorn for egg production. I guess only if you breed the blacks together ( but I don't think you got a rooster?) and get yellow skin will you know if they messed with them.

The Beard is beard and muffs. The no beard lost the muff/bearded gene - just something the hatcheries do when they loose one of the genes necessary for fuzzy faces. Some of them even look like they have a single comb??? One breeder of Wheaten Ameraucanas also lost one half of the bearded/muffs gene - but she notes it when she sells eggs/chicks that they may only have one gene - and to remove the chicks not showing super fuzzy faces at birth and not use them for breeding. She is working on fixing that though.
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Um, those are EEs, the black ones look pure though, did you get those from the same place? EEs are awesome birds, and lay some amazings eggs =)

Yes they came from the same place, my aunt got "Americanas" and I insisted that she get me some black ones and these are what she brought me. The 2 black ones and 3 "buff" colored and one that is more reddish. We just wanted colored eggs lol. Btw, do black Leghorns lay brown or white eggs? Just wondering for my next flock.

So the 2 black ones are Ameraucanas? And the other 4 are... EEs? Or AmerIcanas? Geesh I'm getting confused lol. And to think... one day I will be a chicken eggspert. :-D

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