The Ameraucana Thread: Where everything and anything about the breed can be discussed (APA, Non-Stan

I have 2 pure Ameraucauna pullets in my BCM pen and a whole flock of EE. It has been 102=104 here. The only thing I do besides as much shade as I can manage on the runs is to go out and wet the ground down in the heat of the afternoon, especially their dusting spots and fill shallow trays of water. They will stand in the water and scratch and lay in the wet spots to cool off. A lot of panting but no body has dropped dead and egg production is not down by much.

I don't do ice blocks, coolers or fans or anything like that. I figure they need to adapt to the climate they are in without too much mechanical aid.
Make sure, make sure, make sure your coops are properly ventilated. I had a few drop dead because I got this coop from my neighbor and it has no vents/windows. Normally that hadn't been an issue but the one day I forgot to open the run door in the morning. I came home and two were baked and the other two were close to death. I saved the one roo but the other died. Now I just keep the roof propped open to make sure it doesn't get too hot in there.
The weather just decided to get warm here. How are everyones Ameraucanas handling the heat? Mine seem to be doing quite well so far. They are free ranging right now and have a lot of access to shade and water. Then again it isn't really hot here yet. This summer has been very mild so far. One thing I did for my birds last year was to freeze chunks of watermelon for them. They really loved it. Does anyone else have some tips on how to beat the summer heat, chicken-wise that is.

Make sure, make sure, make sure your coops are properly ventilated. I had a few drop dead because I got this coop from my neighbor and it has no vents/windows. Normally that hadn't been an issue but the one day I forgot to open the run door in the morning. I came home and two were baked and the other two were close to death. I saved the one roo but the other died. Now I just keep the roof propped open to make sure it doesn't get too hot in there.
it gets very hot out here as well. My Ameraucana pant much more than my spanish Penedesenca and empordanesa like brahmabreeder said the key is ventilation. I use open front coop with side ventilation. keeps the air moving in the summer and healthier winter chickens
I have three coops..the nice thing about one of them it is a foot off the ground. The chickens have dug a deep hole in the middle and they use that on really hot days.
I have many trees for shade and make sure the wading pools have bricks and water. They usually choose the woods or under the house/coop.

I have a little cockerel, who is 1 month old and I am not sure what color to call him. I have been confused by this little one from the time he was just a week old, because his color wasn't what I was expecting. I bought him as a straight run Blue Wheaten Ameraucana from a local breeder, but he has so much light color on him. Is he a splash? Can anyone guess better than I can? (This is my first time with chickens.)

I have 1 Black Ameraucana, she is 10 months old and went broody for the first time, so I put some eggs under her and when they hatched she ended up stomping them to death. Are Ameraucanas really that flighty or is it just inexperience? My EE's are way more docile and friendly, I suppose I just assumed Ameraucanas would have the same personality but so far they couldn't be more opposite... She is beautiful, but absolutely nuts, are they generally good mothers?
I have 1 Black Ameraucana, she is 10 months old and went broody for the first time, so I put some eggs under her and when they hatched she ended up stomping them to death. Are Ameraucanas really that flighty or is it just inexperience? My EE's are way more docile and friendly, I suppose I just assumed Ameraucanas would have the same personality but so far they couldn't be more opposite... She is beautiful, but absolutely nuts, are they generally good mothers?

My Ameraucanas aren't flighty or nuts. They are very calm and curious. When I go into their run I have to scoot them away or they will be crowding around to see what I have. They are much friendlier than my EEs.

Some hens aren't good moms. Even within the same breed. I have two Silkies, they were co-sharing a nest. One has been a mother before - and she is taking care of the chicks. The other one is still sitting on the eggs - but once it hatches she pecks it and chases it off.
I hope she watches the other mother and learns that you are supposed to take care of those fluffy things - not peck at them!

Oh, and Welcome to BYC!
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Thanks, at least I know it's just her. Even as eggs Ameraucanas are expensive little birds and I was afraid of trying to hatch more. She gets along great with the flock but is not fond of people at all. Maybe next try I'll get more hens than roos and actually get to keep some.

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