The Ameraucana Thread: Where everything and anything about the breed can be discussed (APA, Non-Stan

Hi. I'm new to ameraucanas, but I was wondering if anyone has any opinion about the mottled ameraucana color. Apparently it breeds true/can be reproduced. I'm considering getting some if it's worth while.

Mottled is not one of the 8 standard colors of Ameraucanas. Are you thinking of splash? You never know though. Jerry might be working on mottled :).
I am new here and have decided that i want to raise blue wheaten ameraucanas i am researching breeders but i expect these birds to be proper sop proper egg color also wanting someone who really strives for blue eggs does anyone have any experience to share about which breeder you have used and pictures of what your birds/eggs look like want to start with a good line!

I have not experienced this myself but is something I have heard in the past. Most breeders focus on one trait at a time - 2 max. In order to get good results. If the breeder is focusing on color and type, egg color may suffer. If the breeder is focusing on egg color type and/or color may suffer. While the breed is supposed to lay blue eggs it is not judged by egg color at a show. Therefore it is generally not one of the top traits focused on by breeders. My nonstandard birds lay the bluest eggs by far. While my birds that closely resemble the SOP lay a pale slightly tinted blue egg. Can't win them all I guess :). That being said can't go wrong with Smith and Blehm lines or go to and check out the breeders listed there.
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What you have is a sex linked cross. A non barred rooster over barred hens = barred male chicks white spot on head indicates barring. Pullets will be mostly black. Your white rooster is likely recessive white and it is hard to say what colors are hidden under the white. The black from the barred rock should overpower the other colors. Maybe not completely. You will most likely get greenish not dark olive eggs. Again it depends on the rooster as he could only carry 1 copy of the blue egg gene or even none. I hope this is helpful info.

This is so interesting Jerry! Didn't know that cross would create a sexlinked barred rooster. Experienced this myself last year yet didn't hatch enough go see the pattern. Thanks for the information.
Thanks. Still waiting on those last few girls to lay. My Roos are Ameraucana color rejects too although they are throwing some beautiful offspring with my EE hens. Solid blue pullets and blue Cockerels with red wings , hackle, and saddle freathers.
Mottled is not one of the 8 standard colors of Ameraucanas. Are you thinking of splash? You never know though. Jerry might be working on mottled

I thought about it but no. I have a lot of projects already. There are project mottled birds out there.
I'm confused, how do you tell blue from green that way? My EE lays light olive eggs...if you crack them open they are really pale blue on the inside.
Right. The actual egg color is always white or blue, all the way through. All brown coatings are on the outside only. Green eggs are blue eggs with some amount of brown coating. They will be blue on the inside.

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