The Ameraucana Thread: Where everything and anything about the breed can be discussed (APA, Non-Stan

Looks like a wheaten cockerel and two pullets. They are of the wheaten variety. They hatch out with pink or skin colored legs and feet and they get darker as the bird matures.

Excellent! Thank you so much! I was hoping that was the case. Of the 12 eggs that I picked up locally (also in Washington) only these 3 hatched. As disappointed as I was in the hatch rate I'm happy to know that one *may* be a cockerel.

I know it's very difficult to tell with my awesome photography skills but the chick in the 3rd picture has black feathers on the very bottom feathers of its wings (the last 2 or 3 feathers). Any significance there?
I freaked out when my ams came out with pink toes too! I've noticed on the wing color, with the blacks and BBS, they will have white primary feathers which will molt right out once they mature, not sure if its the same for wheatens.
I freaked out when my ams came out with pink toes too! I've noticed on the wing color, with the blacks and BBS, they will have white primary feathers which will molt right out once they mature, not sure if its the same for wheatens.

I did the same thing when I hatched out my first splash Ameraucanas! Oh no pink feet! Now they are the beautiful slate color they are supposed to be. Cute chicks. Wheatens were my first choice but I couldn't find anyone local to buy hatching eggs from and I was leery of trying to hatch out shipped eggs in my LG's. I do love my BBS's though :).
Hello! I am new to Ameraucanas/ Easter Eggers. These are my first of the breeds. I was told by the breeder they are in fact true Ameracaunas, but I have to be honest, I really don't care either way. I am just happy to have the colorful characters in my backyard flock. I hope it isn't a bother if I ask for some guesses on the Splash that I have. I got the chicks straight run, and they are around ten and half weeks old. We haven't had any crows from anyone yet, but this Splash acts very much like a little cockerel. First one out in the morning, the one to lead everyone in at night, and it is always, always the first one to sound an alarm.

I am relatively knew to chickens, but on the Splash, "his" hackle/neck feathers are far more thin and pointed than any of the other Blue Ameracaunas I have. There is also the fact this bird is twice the size of everyone else. I will put up a picture to show the difference. I would like some opinions on whether it is a cockerel or pullet. Am I just crazy for suspecting it is a little roo? Is it still too early to tell?

I only took a few picture because it is close to 94 degrees today, and I didn't want to bother Blimpy too much. I am sorry if they are not of great quality.
The comb is also a lot larger and redder than the other Ameraucanas I have.

Blimpy is none to pleased with me for the photo shoot.

These are the neck feathers I was talking about. They are very thin and pointy compared to the other Ameraucanas I have.

In comparison this is his "sister" Nimbus. The feathers look very different to me, and the comb is no where near the size/ vivid color of Blimpy's

And another view of the cute little Blimpy face

And one for good measure. Blimpy on the run in the run.

I would love any opinions on whether you think cockerel or pullet. I thank anyone who takes the time to take a look. Thank you very. very much.
Hello! I am new to Ameraucanas/ Easter Eggers. These are my first of the breeds. I was told by the breeder they are in fact true Ameracaunas, but I have to be honest, I really don't care either way. I am just happy to have the colorful characters in my backyard flock. I hope it isn't a bother if I ask for some guesses on the Splash that I have. I got the chicks straight run, and they are around ten and half weeks old. We haven't had any crows from anyone yet, but this Splash acts very much like a little cockerel. First one out in the morning, the one to lead everyone in at night, and it is always, always the first one to sound an alarm.

I am relatively knew to chickens, but on the Splash, "his" hackle/neck feathers are far more thin and pointed than any of the other Blue Ameracaunas I have. There is also the fact this bird is twice the size of everyone else. I will put up a picture to show the difference. I would like some opinions on whether it is a cockerel or pullet. Am I just crazy for suspecting it is a little roo? Is it still too early to tell?

I only took a few picture because it is close to 94 degrees today, and I didn't want to bother Blimpy too much. I am sorry if they are not of great quality.
The comb is also a lot larger and redder than the other Ameraucanas I have.

Oh yes that is a Rooster. Pretty one.
Thank you very much. He is such a goofy guy too! We love him, but live too close to our neighbors to keep a roo. We have a home already lined up for him ( which is why I wanted to know sooner rather than later if I was, in fact correct he was a roo
) where he will have plenty of ladies and room to chicken about!
Thank you again!!
Thank you very much. He is such a goofy guy too! We love him, but live too close to our neighbors to keep a roo. We have a home already lined up for him ( which is why I wanted to know sooner rather than later if I was, in fact correct he was a roo
) where he will have plenty of ladies and room to chicken about!
Thank you again!!

Those Ameraucanas are goofy little guys and gals and i love their personalities. Glad you have a home lined up for him.
I have noticed they certainly like to speak their minds about whatever is going on in the yard. They are the ones I always have to chase out of the potted plants, and anything else they can get into. I am enjoying their little antics!

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