The Ameraucana Thread: Where everything and anything about the breed can be discussed (APA, Non-Stan

Hi. I am new here, and have been doing a lot of research before buying our new chicks. I Think I want to get Ameraucana chicks for my kids to raise. I hear they like people and will allow the kids to hold them. However, I am noticing that there are many different types. My son was interested in a wheaten one and my daughter fell in love with your picture here. I have not heard of this type yet. Can you tell me if they are good with kids please? Also, I would like to know about how many eggs you get in a week.
Hi. I am new here, and have been doing a lot of research before buying our new chicks. I Think I want to get Ameraucana chicks for my kids to raise. I hear they like people and will allow the kids to hold them. However, I am noticing that there are many different types. My son was interested in a wheaten one and my daughter fell in love with your picture here. I have not heard of this type yet. Can you tell me if they are good with kids please? Also, I would like to know about how many eggs you get in a week.

Ameraucanas are wonderful....but most hatcheries that say they sell Ameraucanas, are selling EEs (Easter Eggers, any breed that is mixed with Ameraucanas. So, they will have many of the Ameraucana characteristics, but come in who knows what colors, and what color eggs they will lay is also a gamble, usually green, but sometimes pink, brown, and rarely blue)

If you want actual Wheaten Ameraucanas, you will probably have to look a bit to find a breeder.

There is a list of breeders on the Ameraucana Website....

As to laying...average is maybe 4 to 5 eggs a week? Some EEs lay much better than that, depending on their particular mix.

Don't forget though, that the laying rate varies GREATLY over the course of a year. Lots of eggs in the spring, no eggs during molt, and few to no eggs in the winter.

Lots of light and good nutrition can keep them producing in the winter.

As to being good with kids.....I would skip a rooster, especially if your kids are small....

Also, my kids tend to like the bantams better, mostly just because they are cuter.
I started out with ameraucanas and brahmas because I thought they would be good with kids and they're Okay with the kids, a couple bad roosters in the beginning but they "met with an accident" and the offspring of the nice roosters haven't been mean at all, but they're just not cuddly. The best birds I've got now for my kids to do showmanship with are the modern games, the silkies and the brahma bantams. Not to put you off of ameraucanas, but I have to be honest.
Has anyone else who shows noticed that champion row has been dominated by the games lately? It seems like every show I've been to, the juges have been gaga over the aseels, shamos and modern games. I can't even get my ams looked at and I have really nice ams.

I'm curious to find how my chicks would it into the American classification. In Australia they are Aracaunas, although how well they fit into the allowed colours remains to be seen. Lavender is recognised. So some chicks are grey with slate legs, some are yellow with pink legs and some are a combination of both. The three chicks above are a pretty good representation of the variety I hatched. What do you think, EE's or Ameraucanas? They are about 10 days old.

I'm curious to find how my chicks would it into the American classification. In Australia they are Aracaunas, although how well they fit into the allowed colours remains to be seen. Lavender is recognised. So some chicks are grey with slate legs, some are yellow with pink legs and some are a combination of both. The three chicks above are a pretty good representation of the variety I hatched. What do you think, EE's or Ameraucanas? They are about 10 days old.

I would vote Ameraucanas because:

1. some colors the chicks can hatch with pink legs, that then color up as they grow.

2. EEs are usually hatched with the wild type coloration, and those don't have any wild type coloration.

No way to know until they feather in, but so far so good!

I'm curious to find how my chicks would it into the American classification. In Australia they are Aracaunas, although how well they fit into the allowed colours remains to be seen. Lavender is recognised. So some chicks are grey with slate legs, some are yellow with pink legs and some are a combination of both. The three chicks above are a pretty good representation of the variety I hatched. What do you think, EE's or Ameraucanas? They are about 10 days old.
I think your standard is totally different than ours. Don't they have crests? ours don't. Our should have a beard and muffs and I don't think yours do..... so If I am right than they would be an EE of sorts here if not a RARE breed of some sort. (like a Legbar)

After looking they have a beard and muff like ours do. But the one I just looked at they have yellow skin???? that would be bad for an amaraucana.
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