~~~The Band of Sagemint~~~ RP

Lady Estella and Arabian Knight dragged Alborozo to their temporary camp and lashed his feet together, then pushed him over onto his side. "Welcome to our herd, Alborozo." Mocking Jay sneered as Night Stalker came to meet them.
Alborozo snickered, through a thick wall of pain. "Any welcome from you isn't a welcome at all."

Dark Falls slammed her hooves into his jaw, blood pooling from his mouth and leaking onto the ground.
Alborozo snickered, through a thick wall of pain. "Any welcome from you isn't a welcome at all."

Dark Falls slammed her hooves into his jaw, blood pooling from his mouth and leaking onto the ground.

Mocking Jay shrugged "Suit yourself." Then he turned to Dark Falls "Calm yourself, Dark Falls" He said sharply "He is no good to me dead, at least not yet."
Mocking Jay stared at her for a moment longer before turning to Sitka, who was staring at everything with wide, fightened eyes.

"Sitka" He soothed, his voice silky "Welcome to my herd. I know you must have a lot of questions, and I will do my best to answer them. I unlike, my brother and your mother, will tell you the truth."

Sitka exhaled slowly, relieved that she was finally getting answers "Are you really my father?" She asked quietly.

Jay nodded "Yes, Chasing Wind is your uncle, not your father."

"Why..." She hesitated, but then continued when Jay nodded encouragingly "Why were they trying to hurt you, Jay? Why did Wind do those horrible things to you?"

"Wind is a bad horse, Sitka. A bad horse who thinks he is good, which makes him even worse then bad horses who know they are bad." He explained "Sagemint is not what it used to be when our father, Black Gold, let it. It is full of murderers and horses like Wind."

"Then why did Black Gold give the herd to Wind?" Sitka asked, confused.

"Because he was eldest, and the pride of the family" Jay replied bitterly "Our parents could not see past his lies to the truth that lay beneath. And Sagemint is a reflection of that."

Sitka nodded slowly "I knew as soon as I was born that there was something wrong with me. The way the others looked at me." She looked up at Jay with wide blue eyes "They hated me, Jay. They hated me!"

"Sitka." Jay said gently "There is nothing wrong with you, or me for that matter. Any of us" He gestured to the members of his and Night's herd standing around them "What you seen is Wind's true nature shining through the string of lies he has built Sagemint on. If I had not rescued you, he would have killed you."

The sorrow in Sitka's eyes turned to horror as she listened to Jay, she opened her mouth, but then closed it when she realized there was nothing more to say.
Dark Falls pale eyes were wide, clearly reliving the experience, not hearing Jay. Her mouth was gaped open slightly in shock of remembering the Sagemint horses tearing her band apart. Her eyes flashed with fury as her heart clenched. "Lies!" She unexpectedly roared, cannoning her hooves into a tree. "Sagemint are liers, petty theives, and murderers!" She thundered. "They are no better than us! Especially that putrid excuse for a
horse Lightning!" She spat the last word.
"She's a lier! That web of lies she's told! Oh, the horrid lies she's said! She's a filthy excuse for a horse, don't believe her, Sitka. Believe none of what she tells you!"

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