The Bantam Thread!

Little OJ had some pasty butt tonight. She sure wasn't happy with me cleaning her but the second I put her back in the brooder she pooped so I'm sure she's feeling lots better after that. Still cheep cheep creeping. Will check on her again before I lay down hopefully she will settle down and get some rest.
Here's mine they're about 3 weeks old now





I love my bantams
most of mine are unknown assortment from tsc. The biggest mystery I have is a pullet she's mostly white getting a grey feather here and there, her wings are so long they touch under her tail, her head hasn't feathered yet, it looks like it could be grey, but her legs are bright green! Her toes have stayed yellow. I have no clue what she is, clean legs regular comb smooth feathers. I have 2 black and a dark grey that have a flat area instead of a regular comb, a porcelain D'Uccle, 2 mysteries they have 5 toes like silkies but not black skin, puffy cheeks sorta puffy head, feathers are normal, they have feathered legs, 1 white cochin, 1 little yellow chick, feathers coming in white, 1 white silkie, not yellow, 1 that's white and yellow 1 blue silkie, 1 red and brown silkie, and 2 adorable black and grey silkies. Mine range from 6 weeks to 2 weeks, probably getting more this week
I have a few that hop right onto my hand and lay down but most avoid me
I'm trying to get them used to me everyone is still inside they're way too tiny to put outside yet, I've considered making 1 a house pet
I thought they were but someone on a thread told me bantams in them are rare and I probably have sultans. So far there wings are white so I'm not sure what they are, I did notice they are missing toenails here and there and ones beak doesn't line up. I'm not sure what they are or what most of my bantams are cochin silkies and D'Uccle were the easiest to identify. Some of my bantams were in rough shape, my cochin is missing the small toe on one foot it looked damaged when I got it home and checked it over then it fell off later. Had some pasty butt issues I was cleaning round the clock. I lost 2 all together 1 the night we brought it home, it had the cute chipmunk pattern, then one from the 6 it was in 6 days later they were the smallest 2, very tiny when I got them even for bantams

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