The Benefits of Guinea Fowl?

After months of our neighbor's guineas coming for their daily romp to our farm, we have decided to add guineas to our farm. At first, their noise bothered me, and the guineas were taking over and eating all of the feed for our ducks, horses and calves. Then, I realized that not a single one of our animals, including horses, cats, and 4 dogs, have had a tick all summer. The guineas worked their way into my heart, and I became hooked. We recently added some new chickens to our flock, and I quarantined them in a stall in the barn. I had added fencing to our open air barn to do it, and suddenly, had the perfect place for guineas at night once the flock moved into the big coop. So, tomorrow, I am going to a registered breeder who lives near me, and getting all different colors of guinea keets, twelve of them. The breeder thinks for our property, we should have 25, but I am good with 12, plus the 8 who come over from our neighbors. I will brood them like I did the chickens at first, then they will move to the barn stall when they are big enough. Once they have been there for 6-8 weeks, I will start free ranging them during the day and stalling them at night. Our ducks did not like the duck house we provided them, and prefer to be in the pond, so the duck house will become the guinea coop. The ducks prefer an old barrel to sleep in when it is cold out, much to my husband's grief after making them a nice duck house. I am so super excited to go and get the new babies tomorrow.
To the benefits of guineas, I'd add that they make you laugh...a lot! Hardly a day goes by that they don't do something crazy or quirky. I love my chickens a bunch, but my guineas are probably my favorite farm birds.
Btw, love the pics! The guineas are beautiful - looks like even the llamas think so.
I have 3 guineas at the moment (one was killed by an unknown perpetrator) and if everything works out I'll be getting about a dozen or so more. I may just wait til they start laying next year though and incubate... Would be cheaper than buying. I agree with all of you, LOVE the guineas. Though sometimes they can be loud, they typically have good reason for it. So it's not bad. Can't wait to have a whole flock of them roaming around cleaning my yard of ticks and other pesky insects. And honestly, kinda wanna try the meat. lol. Great looking birds by the way. Would love to have some white ones one day.

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