The best broody breed

If you have predator problems, you can let a hen brood in a closed-off part of the coop.
Or you can use an old shed.
A broody doesn't need anything except for a nest, food and water, and a place to stretch and walk around in for 10-20 mins a day.
When chicks hatch, though, you'll have to consider building a separate pen.
We have a run enclosure for them but they don’t free range any more when I’m not home. We already have our chicks for this year but it takes me forever to make up my mind plus after this year’s chick craze I’m pre ordering mine wayyyyy ahead.
Is their a standard silkie breed? I’ve only seen bantam silkies an I’m afraid my cockerel would hurt a bantam.
No, unfortunately I do not believe that there is a standard sized silkie. When people say “silkie” they usually mean “silkie bantam”, but since it’s shorter it’s just easier to say :)
I don’t know and I really can’t say because I don’t know your cockerel, but I had a very large rooster and my silkies were okay with him. I also have OEGB’s, and they’re probably 1/8 the size that he was. They all got along fine :)

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