The Big Fat Is This A Rooster? Thread

Ugh I bought four chicks for my lone silkie chick that hatched in January. Every single one is a roo. My rooster total now is 8 out of 16 chickens. Omg some of these guys are going to have to go.
that stinks. If it makes you feel better I only had 1 hatch in Dec so I bought it 1 friend and then hatched more in january. The one that I hatched in Dec turned out to be a roo so I sold him and now the one I bought is super lonely because it doesn't fit in with my 4 1 yr olds or my 4 that I hatched in jan. Poor girl, it would have been fine if I didn't buy her and she went somewhere she would have friends :/
Aww is she a silkie too? You will just have to hatch more. Lol
haha, I'm at my limit with 9. I live in a neighborhood with an HOA so I'm technically not even supposed to have chickens.

My Chickadee is a Rhode Island Red or Production Red. She has actually been getting on the roost with the big girls herself for the past 4 nights. I've had to put her up there each night after dark for the past 6 weeks so I am so excited that she has finally decided it's ok to get up there. She's on the right!
haha, I'm at my limit with 9. I live in a neighborhood with an HOA so I'm technically not even supposed to have chickens.

My Chickadee is a Rhode Island Red or Production Red. She has actually been getting on the roost with the big girls herself for the past 4 nights. I've had to put her up there each night after dark for the past 6 weeks so I am so excited that she has finally decided it's ok to get up there. She's on the right!

I have one named Chickadee too. :)She's a SLW.
I'm going to get out there later and get more photos... maybe someone can tell from these? They are just under 4 months old btw.

Black Copper Maran....

Golden Cuckoo Maran...I have 2. The close up on the right is the one in question...

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BCM looks like a pullet

cuckoo... ? Marans get big combs pretty early, so if that's at 4 months I'd say female. My blue maran roo is only 2.5 months old and it's REALLY obvious he's a roo... Like REALLY obvious. I'll have to get a pic.

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