The Big Move - When Are They Ready?


10 Years
Apr 26, 2009
Cape Cod, Massachusetts
I have 3 week old RIR's an Buff Orps (8 total) and want to know when I can put them out in my coop/run full time? Right now, I have been bringing them out to the run for an hour or so to play. The temps during the day will probably average in the 60's (at a minimum) going forward and night may get down to mid/upper 50's. My coop is 4 x 8 and very well insulated.
I need some opinions...
We put our buff orps outside in their coop when they were about 7 weeks old, but it was much colder here then so we had kept them inside the garage longer. But we kept the heat lamp on for ours for an additional week in their new coop just to get them adjusted.
We put our 3-2 BRs and a mixie- in their run at about 4 weeks. They were fully feathered everywhere, had a heat lamp and their brooder there too. They were fine, even though the nights dropped to about 50 F. Just watch them.
If you can safely hang a heat lamp for awhile longer, they will be fine. I didn't brood my chicks in the house. They've been outside since day one.
Please secure your heat lamp in at least two ways, ex: with a chain and zip ties. Coop fires can happen.
I put mine outside when they were two weeks old. It was in the 70s during the day and 50s during the evening. I had them in the henhouse, which is a bit warmer than outside (door open, screened windows a bit open too for circulation). At three weeks old, I moved them to one of my outdoor pens in a wire dogcrate covered with a tarp to protect from wind and rain (and sun). It even dropped into the low 40s a few times and they did very well.

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