The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

The Biggest Little Rooster's siblings were all grown up, and it was impossible to distinguish them from " The Ladies". The humans just refer to them as "The big girls". The nine big girls live in the coop with the biggest run. Hardy is with them. They also have a pet kitten- a stray that came to them as a baby, and lives and plays in the run with them.
The Biggest Little Rooster's daughters- Laurel, Beebee and Essie were living in the coop with the smallest run, which shares a side of the big girls pen. They are known as "the teenagers". They have mixed emotions about being called teenagers. On one hand, it makes them feel young. On the other hand, the word "teenager" immediately makes one envision something lazy, argumentative, moody and possibly troublesome .
But, it could be worse. In the third coop, which was seperate from the other 2, was "the babies". The babies are nine months old, and are still referred to as babies.

The teenagers were very happy in their little run. They could stand by the fence and talk to Hardy, but they didn't have to be victims of his very rough manliness. It was just the 3 of them, so there was no fighting over food or anything. There was enough space to get away from each other if they preferred. They did spend a lot of time next to the fence talking with Hardy when he first moved in with the big girls. Their time together got shorter and shorter as Hardy spent more of his time chasing the big girls
There was only one thing they could complain about. The big girls fence bordered the neighbor's yard. And the neighbor would come throw treats over the fence for the big girls. But it was too far for her to have to walk all the way around the fence to get treats to the teenagers. So they would watch with jealousy in their eyes while the big girls gobbled up the treats.
Hardy was such a silly boy. He would run over to the teenagers, and tell them there was good food. He wasn't bragging, he was trying to share. He just didn't get the idea that a fence seperated them.

One night, the humans came and put all three of the teenagers in a cat carrier. ( a CAT carrier! How humiliating!!) They had to sit and watch as the humans took the babies from the big house, and put them in the teenagers coop. Then, the humanlady put them on roosts in the big coop. She explained that they humans were "going away" for a weekend, and because the babies sometimes escaped their run, they needed to go in the small run where the fence is too high for them to fly over.
So the teenagers were now housed in the newest coop. It sure was fancy, and smelled new. There was a big window on the back wall, and a smaller window where they could look out front. In the morning, when they woke, they discovered the huge back porch, and the spacious run.
The best part was- there was grass!! The worst part was they could barely see Hardy.
That night, the humanlady didn't come to put them away. Some strange lady ( named " The Boss") came in and made sure they were all snug, and locked their door. The teens were quite confused. They weren't carried far, but it seemed to them that they were far, far away from home, with some strange lady talking to them.
This went on for several days. Just when they were thinking the humans had abandoned them, they were back. The humanlady was there, talking to them in a soft voice, telling them how she had missed them. She petted them. Laurel, as usual, accepted the pets happily. Essie tolerated the pets. Beebee voiced her complaints . LOUDLY.

One day, Laurel ran across the porch and flapped her wings, and found herself standing on the outside of the fence. Essie and Beebee ran back and forth along the fence trying to figure out how Laurel got out. Essie was upset because she liked to be by Laurel's side. Beebee was upset because she wanted to be free, too!
It took a few days, but Essie figured out how to run and fly over the fence. It didn't really take much effort- the fence was only 4 feet high. She was totaly thrilled to be on the outside with Laurel. The two of them ate fresh green grass, and even managed to find some bugs. They originally stayed pretty close to the coop.
Beebee did NOT like the others being on the outside. Beebee does NOT jump. As much as she wanted to be free, she wouldn't jump . Instead, she spent all day running back and forth along the fence yelling at Laurel and Essie to get back in the run.They never did. Each night, the humanlady would open the door, and put Laurel and Essie inside. The whole time, Bebee would lecture the 3 of them. She pretended she was concerned for their safety, but in reality, she was very envious of their freedom.
Hardy wasn't sure he liked all the changes that happened in such a short amount of time. He was happy to be in with the big girls. They had much more room to run in the bigger pen. That did present a problem though- the big girls ran from him. At first, they were quite happy to have him around. He tried to be a good rooster. The big girls didn't seem to want to be loved, though. Hardy didn't know what to do. He wished his dad was around to teach him how to be a great rooster.
One morning, he woke, and there was something strange in the pen.


Hardy tried to keep the big girls away from it. He didn't know what it was, or whether it posed a threat or not. The big girls ignored him. They wanted to see if the neighbors had treats. They did not mind being near the thing. But Hardy was still quite wary.

Every day, the thing was there. It ate their food and drank their water. It sunned itself on the roof of the feeder cover. Hardy stood back and watched when it was near the big girls. He tried to tell the big birls that he was standing guard, ready to attack the thing if it misbehaved. The girls knew better, though. They knew Hardy was a little afraid of the thing. They also knew the thing was a kitty.
When the kitty would chase the girls, they would gather around it like mother hens and lecture it. Hardy never intervened. He claimed it was because the big girls handled it so well. The big girls knew better, though. Hardy was afraid of the kitty.


Just when he started getting used to the kitty being in the pen with them, he woke one morning and found his sisters gone.After chasing the big girls around the run several times, he gave up and went toward the fence to talk to his sisters. They were not there. In their place were some very funny looking little chickens. Some of the chickens had fuzzy feathers on their head. They were so fuzzy, you couldn't even see their eyes.
The other chickens had feathers that curled up. And surprise- one of those fuzzy things was a rooster. He may be a quarter of Hardy's size, but he was still a rooster, and Hardy did NOT like that.
What he disliked even more was not having his sisters to talk to . He knew they were nearby. He could hear Beebee making a fuss. That didn't mean a lot, really- Beebee could be heard miles away. She was quite loud. She was giving Hardy a headache. He couldn't calm her down, because he couldn't see her. Oh, Hardy knew this was NOT going to be a good thing.
Is the kitty still as big as it is in the pictures. Because I remember you posted those same pictures a long time ago. Is the kitty still there?
Kitty is still there, and has gotten big. He is a boy, and still a little scared of us, but he will let me get pretty close. He will be featured in the story, as he pretty much part of the flock.
I'm starting the story from a little while ago-- I should have kept up, but.. better late than never
Ok, we're get a little ahead of the story here, but... it won't hurt to see an updated picture of kitty. Here he is, just last week:


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