The Buckeye Thread

My husbands objections for a rooster are due to crowing. We do have 5 acres and are surrounded by people with some acreage, but I don't want annoy other people. If I could get a bird that doesn't crow very loud, that'd be okay. I think I could convince the hubby that we need a rooster eventually.

We won't be getting chickens for awhile. The earliest is next spring, because it will be a learning curve for me and I have two very young children (almost 5 months and 17 months). Until then, I'm learning all I can (from books and this forum).

I like the idea of buckeyes and helping the breed, but I had no idea it would be so complicated! I do not plan in showing chickens at this time, but my kids may want to when they are older.

I'm enjoying the lively discussions on this thread.
I don't think one Buckeye rooster would be that noisy. My worst offenders are bantams. They must have a 'little man' complex or something. LOL
I would still encourage a person, especially with young children, to look at birds from a breeder who has been selective for temperament. Buckeyes are supposed to be a calm breed and not produce aggressive roosters, but there can always be an oddball. However, large hatcheries just don't take that step in their breeding program and tend to produce more aggressive birds.
Good luck in your pursuit of being a poultry owner. It sure is enjoyable at whatever your goal of having them is.
Ok, I have a question for true breeders! Legs on Buckeyes-the SOP calls for yellow shanks and toes. How yellow and would you not breed an otherwise nice hen that has more of a pinkish tinge to her legs? She is nicely built hen with good size and great plumage color and has the slate bar.
I would like to ask also, is this a hen who might be molting? Or is she on hiatus with the shorter daylight days? If so, that can also fade their legs and make their combs look lighter too. If you had a pullet who always had lighter legs as you described, then as was mentioned, use her with a rooster who will improve that aspect of her. Mostly, breeding is a numbers game when you have one or two things like that to improve on.
I don't think one Buckeye rooster would be that noisy.  My worst offenders are bantams.  They must have a 'little man' complex or something.  LOL
I would still encourage a person, especially with young children, to look at birds from a breeder who has been selective for temperament.  Buckeyes are supposed to be a calm breed and not produce aggressive roosters, but there can always be an oddball.  However, large hatcheries just don't take that step in their breeding program and tend to produce more aggressive birds.
Good luck in your pursuit of being a poultry owner.  It sure is enjoyable at whatever your goal of having them is.

My friend has silkies and at the time I visited her, she had two roosters. I did not think they were very loud.

I will definitely think about getting birds from a breeder for the reason you mentioned. Thank you!

One of the overview pictures we took. The show was great. Thought some who didn't make it would enjoy seeing it.
I promised some pics of birds that tickled my heart. These gave me a chuckle and fascinated me as well.


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