The Buckeye Thread

Yes, this is the bird I think much superior to the others at this point. This is cockerel #1.

Cockerel #2 was very slow to feather, and has a slighter build with less width and breast development.

Cockerel #3 is smaller yet with even less bulk, he is the one with the comb issue.
From the latest pictures, I would agree that he has the best body type. However, he has a not so desirable comb and wattles either, in fact, IMO a less desirable comb. Again, that is not a huge factor to sway a choice not he two.
As the one in the background of this last set of photos the third male? You can see his comb too is more of a wedge, which is not such a great thing, but I also see his flat breast. In some stages you may see that because they are in a gangly stage of development, but at that age to have the flatness to the breast is not going to result in a desired trait to keep.
Thank you.
Yes, #3 in the background.
I'm thinking at this point, #1 or bust as far as breeding, and even then, he may be a poor choice. I really need to find a good cockerel so I have some options.

How old should my pullets be before hatching eggs from them?
Part is because of egg size. A larger egg will allow for a larger chick to hatch. If a large chick develops in a small egg, it can constrain them to a point where they die before they can hatch even. I won't set small eggs from a large breed, but I don't wait until they are passed their first molt. The reasoning there for some is because you can't tell a birds true color until after they molt once. You will likely see your Buckeyes get lighter with age even, some lines a lot more than others. I have had birds that were clean colored molt and then have patterning or black show through after. White feathers can sometimes pop out after the first molt too.
Me personally no, I would try to avoid that. I wouldn't set any eggs larger than 70 grams anyway, larger eggs have reduced hatchability and need to be incubated at a lower temperature I'm told.
Some people have hatched twins, it's possible.But I don't think you'd want to do that on purpose.

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