The Burrow

@Iluveggers she seems to do just fine! She’s much smaller, but I think having feathers around her comb make it easier on her. My flock seems to get along so on those really cold nights she’s nestled in with my bigger hens.

I actually think that due to the crest protecting the comb, she fared better than my larger combed ladies.
@Iluveggers she seems to do just fine! She’s much smaller, but I think having feathers around her comb make it easier on her. My flock seems to get along so on those really cold nights she’s nestled in with my bigger hens.

I actually think that due to the crest protecting the comb, she fared better than my larger combed ladies.
She’s sooo adorable! 🥰 I’ll add to next years wish list! (We are maxed out!)
New additions to my flock!! I had said I wanted to skip chicks this year and try to space out my egg laying years of my chickens, but the little floofballs are just too irresistible!
Meet Florence (Easter egger):

And Duchess (Easter egger):

I hope they grow up to look different from each other! My feed store only had these dark colored Easter egger chicks left. I know that you never know what Easter eggers will grow up as so I’m excited to see!


Continuing my diary of my flock that no one reads...

Ginny passed away this morning. She got sick during this summer and stopped laying. I tried everything for her (I troubleshooted it with others in a separate thread), but she never seemed to fully recover. She would have long periods of being a happy, healthy chicken with random days of lethargy sprinkled in. She has not laid an egg since she got sick.

Lately as we have gotten colder (already lows below 0 F where I am this week), she has looked worse and worse. I think we knew that she would not survive the winter, so I am not surprised. But it doesn't make it any easier. Finding her body, even though I was out checking on her to see if she was still alive, was tough to see. I am sad for her.

Ginny was not my favorite chicken in my flock, but she gave me my first egg ever, and was a great layer with big, beautiful eggs. She was one of my original 3 girls. She was a very good chicken.

RIP Ginny
May 2021-November 2022
The Burrow chickens spent the night in the garage! We have hit -39 F so far this morning and still dropping (real temp, not including windchill), and 4 of my idiots are molting. I don't think the molting chickens would have made it, so slumber party it is. LOL!

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