The Calico/Aloha/Mottled Naked Neck Thread

Oh, sorry. I have four roosters right now - these three and Dumbledore, the Cream Legbar cockerel. I have German New Hampshires and Blue Copper Marans coming from a breeder at the end of the month and will keep one boy from each of those, and need to choose a "next generation" Cream Legbar from these babies (which have been crowing since three weeks old, by the way!!!!). Sooooooo... yeah. Rooster issues.

None of my boys crow at night (they wouldn't last long if they did). Including when a neighbor's dog barks all night (like last night:he ). But Apoc crows earliest (about 5:15am in the pitch black) and the most insistently. He also crows the most all day. I can't blame him - he's lonely and wants to "talk". I'm hoping that a crow collar, if it works, can just reduce the volume a bit.

My roosters are EXCELLENT alarms!!! I never oversleep. I have them all situated outside the two sets of windows near my bed, so it's louder for me than anyone else. But I don't always hear them when I'm in another part of the house.

There are feral peacocks in the neighborhood (which you can hear from a LONG way away - LOUD!), and the next door neighbor has a guinea hen that sounds like a car alarm going off, so I am hopeful that in that context no one would complain. I am allowed roosters/chickens, but I don't want a complaint to open the door to government folks coming to my house and getting all in my business - would rather that not happen.

- Ant Farm

No problem. You said that you left only three so I got the answer.
Now that is going to be a lot of chickens and projects! Great! More chicks more joy.

I understand. Once we had a bantam rooster. He was crowing 24/7 but problem is that he had that high-pitched voice that you could hear from far away. And we culled him just because we didn't want problens with neighbours, just like you.
I still need to get more photos and post them, but I wanted to post this to this thread before heading to bed. This is from today - three of the Aloha NN boys keeping watch over all of the other (older, bigger) chicks.

Edit to add: @alohachickens , even at a casual glance, there seems to be at least two different parentage sets as you posited - a few orange and white, two more dark (like the boy on the right above), and one or two more brown and white. I'll try to get more photos soon (they're skittish around me, so it's hard).

- Ant Farm
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I still need to get more photos and post them, but I wanted to post this to this thread before heading to bed. This is from today - three of the Aloha NN boys keeping watch over all of the other (older, bigger) chicks.

Edit to add: @alohachickens , even at a casual glance, there seems to be at least two different parentage sets as you posited - a few orange and white, two more dark (like the boy on the right above), and one or two more brown and white. I'll try to get more photos soon (they're skittish around me, so it's hard).

- Ant Farm
For sure there are more than one parent! The guy at the far end - right in this pic - definitely looks like the Sussex NN roosters baby. He's so much more stout and thick throughout the body!

There are two very unique looking Calico NN's that I need to photograph soon for y'all. Got some chicks that finally feathered out and they're neat!
Well, despite my intentions, two of the girls now have names.

Meet Grace (after Princess grace - esp. as she looked in Rear Window)

And meet Greta (after Garbo).

- Ant Farm

Meet the newbies. 61 of them. Some are going to be Mottled and some Aloha. Not sure of the exact count if each right now as I still have a few more trying to hatch. These are the one pulled this afternoon.

I do have some that turned out fully feathered, but that's okay, because they'll make good ( tge pullets) laying hens and maybe I can come up with a NN rooster for them that will guarantee me some NN babies. I do have such a rooster right now, but he's not mottled not an Aloha.
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@draye and @Fire Ant Farm I am just going to say that I am jelaous. That says it all.

Well, the down side is that, so far, the boys are really big fighters at only 5 weeks (including trying to actually land hits, not just posturing and chest bumping). Indeed, the big dark boy is starting to look like a bit of a bully and chases the older bigger CL boys around. Enough so that I may not have the option of choosing keepers based on coloring/size...
Well, the down side is that, so far, the boys are really big fighters at only 5 weeks (including trying to actually land hits, not just posturing and chest bumping). Indeed, the big dark boy is starting to look like a bit of a bully and chases the older bigger CL boys around. Enough so that I may not have the option of choosing keepers based on coloring/size...:barnie

Maybe they will calm down
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