The changes they've made

A roo or two

6 Years
Sep 16, 2013
I posted awhile back in the breed and gender section. Quinn is a roo. Olive (formerly Rio) is a pullet.

As far as breeds go, they both are EEs, I guess LOL. Quinn had the green legs, yet they are feathered. He also developed a beard and tuffs and Olive has started laying and her eggs are green, yet her legs were yellow-orange. Maybe there are other breeds in there but I am happy with how they both turned out.



Thank you all. I am happy with them :)

Actually when I responded to the ad they were listed as barred rock chicks but I knew they weren't pure by the comb on one and feathered legs on the other. But the lady couldn't tell me what they were mixed with and said they should be pure. Didn't matter to me if they were or not. It was exciting to get a green egg :)

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