The Chicken Woman ~ Instructional Classes in Chicken Butchery and other things regarding Chickens


9 Years
May 18, 2010
Sonoma County
Not sure how to go about taking out your old Ladies or extra Roo's? Completely freaked out, but really wanting to do it?

I'll take you through the entire process on how to take the chicken out in a calm way, pluck, eviscerate, and clean up, from step one to the stock pot. I’ve been there, and wishing I had had someone guide me that first time, I'm offering just that service. $25 per person for the 2-3 hour instructional, and phone consultations included. I'll show you how, and then you'll be confident to do it on your own. It's my hobby and my passion, and I'm here to help.

Tips on how to get the tenderest meat out of those delicious Stewers, and recipes for fabulous fried chicken and Coq o Vin included.

I am available for general planning ideas and consultation in your endeavors to raise a small flock of backyard chickens for eggs, and/or meat. $25 per person for a 2 hour Consult.

Chicken Sitting available so you CAN take that vacation.

Winter is a good time to slowly take out your previous seasons layers, and to get ready for new Spring chicks. What are you waiting for?

I'm right here in beautiful Sonoma County, Penngrove USA.


[email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon!
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