The cool chicken chat thread!

Awesome! I haven't had school all week for Presidents' Day and how cold it's been. I think their taking days off our summer brake! Since your rooster was molting do you know if it's normal for a couple of my hens to molt right now? @Rocky64
Awesome! I haven't had school all week for Presidents' Day and how cold it's been. I think their taking days off our summer brake! Since your rooster was molting do you know if it's normal for a couple of my hens to molt right now? @Rocky64
If you mean that it's normal that thye are molting in winter!?!? Then yes, it is normal!!!
Oh ok I thought chickens only molted in the summer. I thought they had a lot of mites or something. Thanks @ChickyChickens
Awesome! I haven't had school all week for Presidents' Day and how cold it's been. I think their taking days off our summer brake! Since your rooster was molting do you know if it's normal for a couple of my hens to molt right now? @Rocky64

Taking days off summer break! Unthinkable! I can't wait for summer break, Then I will get chicks!
Oh ok I thought chickens only molted in the summer. I thought they had a lot of mites or something. Thanks @ChickyChickens
It's a pleasure @Hens rule !!! I thought so too, but then i read through like the WHOLE learning centre and learned they can molt all year!!!

I'm in Summer here, so mine are about to molt right now
Lol! I hate it when bugs craw on me! I'm glad my chickens get most of the bugs. The only good thing about winter is no bugs! That's cool that there's jack rabbits where you live! Here there's just rabbits. I'm glad it got alittle warmer. It's i think 12 degrees! Doesn't sound warm but it is! Sort of. Lol!

We Live by mountains, and we get 100 pound javelina, and skinny and regular size coyotes. I was walking home with my dad one night, and there were 7 javelina in our neighbors front yard eating jack-o-lanterns! (It was around Halloween time) We also get coyotes eating out of dumpsters. There has been a cat missing, so... Up in Northern AZ, There is elk, deer, wolves, bears, mountain lions, turkey vultures, turkeys, gazelle-ish lookin' things, and lots more! Had plenty run ins with dangerous animals with the truck... And 100,000,000,000 mosquitoes this past season. What wildlife live in your area? @Hens rule
    We Live by mountains, and we get 100 pound javelina, and skinny and regular size coyotes. I was walking home with my dad one night, and there were 7 javelina in our neighbors front yard eating jack-o-lanterns! (It was around Halloween time) We also get coyotes eating out of dumpsters. There has been a cat missing, so... Up in Northern AZ, There is elk, deer, wolves, bears, mountain lions, turkey vultures, turkeys, gazelle-ish lookin' things, and lots more! Had plenty run ins with dangerous animals with the truck...  And 100,000,000,000 mosquitoes this past season. What wildlife live in your area? @Hens rule

Here we have foxes, (wolfs I think) raccoons, rabbits, coyotes, deer and a lot of other animals. I don't live in the farm part of my town so where I live in my town there's no wolfs or coyotes but there is other animals like rabbits. Lol! :D
Do you have a wild hog population in your area? My cousin lives in Texas and he has lots of wild hogs around.
Do you have a wild hog population in your area? My cousin lives in Texas and he has lots of wild hogs around.

YES! There are poachers around my aunts house, javelina are such a nuisance! I also have a cousin and uncle that live in Texas, he kills hogs almost every week to keep them away from his cows!

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