The cool chicken chat thread!

Rocky64 maybe you should try something more not meant for show breeds.Production reds will lay bunches of eggs for you to incubate,
I have 3 production RIR, 3 Isa browns, 2 buff orphingtons(although they don't lay much anymore cause they are at least 7 years old), and some other breeds that lay a lot of eggs. My silkies are not for egg production, they are show birds as you said and I breed silkies to sell, so incubating RIR eggs wouldn't be on my list of priorities.
Hi sorry to interrupt :) lol! I think production reds are part RIRs. I have some production reds their part RIRs :D
I know.I just was saying,the production red technically is not RIR,although,it's genes are mostly made from a rir.Who loves PRS?Me...

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