The Coon Problem! ARGH!

You can spray coon repellant all over you coop and run or get a large dog sorry for your losses
I used to use only dog food for bait as well. I would catch one every few days.

I found the trick is to also put a few mini marshmallows in there. Since I started doing that, I have had a coon in the trap every day for the last 8 days, and I expect to see another one tomorrow. I think I am up to 12 so far. I am starting to lose count.

It's interesting though that the last two I caught were babies. I never had caught a baby before. All the others were adults. I am wondering if it is a sign that I have gotten rid of most, if not all of the adults, and now the kids are out looking for food.
homesteadmomma wrote: I felt a bit guilty about killing so many, but I know the problems that they will cause. So that night I sat out some more live traps baited with dog food and trapped 3 more coons, all were dispatched. The next night, caught another. Up til last night hadn't caught anything for 4 days, then this morning, I've got two more in traps. I feel like I'm losing the battle here, and this war will go on as long as I have chickens. And now I'm really starting to wonder if living here and keeping chickens is really a good idea.

Live roos, crowing in the morning, goes a long way to getting over any guilt.
We usually take an avg. of 30 raccoons per year (`97-`10). If one has pretty well forested property (or nearby tree lines) it is also useful to pick up an LED spot (batteries last much longer) and check for reflections from eyes. Often, the raccoons will take up temp. digs in big trees within easy walking distance of `dinner' and, with a quick survey with spotlight, one can just shoot them out of the trees instead of messing with the trap(s).

If coop/run is secure and traps are set the local raccoon population can be controlled with minimum effort and minimum impact on flock/peace of mind.

Some trap tips:
We have been checking all of the trees at night that are anywhere near any of the coops. I have a coon hunting headlamp or I use a spotlight that plugs into the truck/car. Caught two more young coons last night. So far the dog food is working well, but I did manage to catch a cat last night too. Called around to the neighbors and found its owner, returned unharmed, but slightly ticked, so it was returned in the trap. I did apologize, they got a good chuckle. When the dog food isn't working well anymore, I will resort to marshmallows, but I have a feeling my kids will eat them long before they see a trap The youngest has finally quit eating dog food
I will also check out the website you posted. I am pretty happy with our traps hair trigger setups. There is no getting out once you are in, and we have assorted sizes but all are big enough for a large coon, as we were having problems with some of the smaller traps being triggered and nothing in them in the morning.
I know how you feel with the guilt but I envy you for your ability to do it. I can trap them but have yet to kill one. My wonderful husband takes care of them once they are in the cage. Usually drown them sense we live on a lake. I have had seven in the last two weeks! I even found a family living in a tree with in my electric fence in the pasture!! Was unable to shoot then when we found them due to a fairly close neighbor so now setting traps. I to have caught cats (my own), rabbits (also my own escapees), and even one of my Corgis! They eat better then me, yet get caught in live traps:/ Anyway, the coop is secure, electric on, and I put the dogs in with the birds at night. This keeps them safe from coyotes, and as soon as the coon might get in, they will kill it. It is an ongoing problem for us living in the timber. The best defense for me is dogs that hate them! Best of luck!!
Pullets, or bullets? Not a hard choice for me. I have Coons that come to my deck to fill up on cat kibble. I now have .22 termite holes... The traps dont work well here, and I think the coons have keys to the property. Mom brought 4 Kits to clean out the bowls, I think I holed 2 of the Kits, but they ran off. My line of fire is limited to the collateral damage it can cause. I use shorts, and hesitate to use bird shot in .22, as that is not a quick kill, only damage that may take a while to overcome the robber.

I had a loose bird taken by a Hawk, the other day, Its wings were left behind, and not much else in daylight about3 pm. I heard the distress cries, but could not pinpoint it. Sad to have so much frustration over such cute and playfull birds.
you can throw a conibear trap over their head it works just as good as drowning them I use the belisle brand there is a drowner that is sold if you google trap drowner several links will come up the animal will drown itself

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