The Coon Problem! ARGH!

you can throw a conibear trap over their head it works just as good as drowning them I use the belisle brand there is a drowner that is sold if you google trap drowner several links will come up the animal will drown itself

Thanks!! I will have to try it!! Desperate! Had three baby peachicks born the other day and a darn coon attacked her last night and got a baby. She has issues with the coop so won't go in at night. Five lines of electric and the best fence I could buy and the coons still get in!! This is war and I'm sitting on the roof tonight with a 12 gauge and my 22. Have set several traps with all sorts of bait and not much luck. There are so many they walk right through the yard during the day like they own the place! Good thing the dogs hate them. Thanks for the advise.
Lights work very well in the coop for me. Just doesn't help the ones that won't perch in the coop. I train them early, but with some currant trauma having taken place in there, they are scared.
Well done!

What works for me with squirrels is to let one live that I train to stay away from the chickens. He does not like getting shot at with a BB gun. This would be extremely ineffective with a raccoon, but if, by natural selection, you ended up with a raccoon that kept coons out of your territory and did not mess with chickens, that would be ideal. I am still working on the selection pressure part of the raccoon equation....
Awesome!! Will do so tonight! I'll write with any news, good or bad.
And "Welasharon", I do prefer to shoot them, as does my husband, but sometimes we can't with our Autistic daughter. If she hears gunshots on a day (or night) she may not be doing well it can cause real problems. I love all animals and hate to kill any, but when they kill my animals, it's my job to protect them. All for humane. And the faster the better whenever possible.

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