The coop is done.


7 Years
May 14, 2012
Northern Utah
Opinions & suggestions welcome! These are our first chickens.


Looking out of the coop. The waterer you see on the right is now on some bricks closer to the ground.

"Practice nests", food, water, and heat lamp:

My dh and the awesome window he installed. They're two cabinet doors he salvaged from a recycling center.

Our helpful shelf. Someone on BYC mentioned having a shelf handy for random items. It's perfect for holding adult beverages!

Thanks for looking!
Nice, is there a Roost? and I would move the water and food a little further apart, to avoid that area getting over crowded, and from food getting int eh water, I would also raise the water a bit more it'll help keep it cleaner.
I really appreciate the feedback.

The roosts are below the window (they're difficult to see).

I will move the water away from the food. I hadn't thought of that, thanks!!
I would set the waterer on bricks or suspend it so that it is even with the backs of the poultry. At that hieght you will see a lot less debris being kicked into the waterer and it will be cleaner and fresher for the flock.

Very can be such a relief when a project comes together.
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I had initially wanted to hang the waterer but couldn't figure out how. The instructions say not to carry it by the little exterior handle while it's full, to only carry it from the interior, larger handle. I assume hanging the waterer from the tiny handle would put a similar amount of stress on it.
I'll search around for other coop photos to see how people have done this.
If the waterer isn't designed to be hung...then I wouldn't hang it.

From the photo it looks like you and I have the same model. I set my waterer on a cement works well for the pullets. But I also have ducks and it doesn't matter how high the waterer is; as long as they can reach it...its going to be a mess.

Here's an old photo showing the waterer in the foreground.
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I'll raise it up a little.

Last night was the first night I'd seen them go into their coop by themselves through the tiny door. We'd had them blocked off in their run while dh installed the window. Anyway, when we granted them access the all rushed through the tunnel and right on in. It was the cutest. thing. ever!
I recently finished my coop & run system...I can readily relate to how it feels getting a project like this completed. (Good Job by the way)

I remember quite well the feeling of satisfaction, that first time when the entire flock of pullets all marched up the ramp and into the coop at dark...and put themselves to bed. It was amazing.

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