The Duck-ponics Experiment - Raising minnows

Pump's been going for about a week now? And it's great. Once it turned off for some reason. I could hear it running but not pumping. It's sposed to have a safety of some sort, to shut off when the float says the water is too low. So I wiggled the float and it started pumping again. Otherwise it's been fine. No clogging or slowing down so far.... Fingers crossed it will hold up! For the price I'd be happy if it just lasted a couple years!
I will have to measure it for you. I will post that tomorrow.

As for the rosy question, they seem to do about the same job but make less of a mess. Plus they are faster than gold fish so if the ducks do get out of their run and raid the pond, I still have fish left after I shoo them back where they belong
the pump should work with some type of strainer to keep large poop and feathers out of the pump. The filter will probably fail because of the heavy load of solids ducks ALWAYS add to the water. You could try backfushing often and hope for the best I suppose.

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