The Duck Thread

Hi everyone!

a few monthssss ago I purchased was told was a magpie duckling.

now his big guy feathers are coming in and... his wings are BLUE. like real blue, blue like the ocean.

all the googling I've done on magpies says they're strictly black and white, and males and females are almost identical in feather color pattern. I'm not upset, I just wanna know what he is now!

I will post pics if needed to help me identify Herman's (yes, Herman is his name) heritage.

Hi everyone!

a few monthssss ago I purchased was told was a magpie duckling.

now his big guy feathers are coming in and... his wings are BLUE. like real blue, blue like the ocean.

all the googling I've done on magpies says they're strictly black and white, and males and females are almost identical in feather color pattern. I'm not upset, I just wanna know what he is now!

I will post pics if needed to help me identify Herman's (yes, Herman is his name) heritage.

A pic would help alot,Herman sounds gorgeous. and Welcome to BYC
Okay, here's Herman!

Do you see how bright blue//green his wings are? they remind me of the Caribbean ocean in the sunlight. Any insights on his breeding?

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