The Duck Thread

That is a bit small for them, I feel. Certainly on the long days . . . . what a tough decision! Part of it is also their personalities. If they are like beebees in a box, that doesn't sound like enough. But my buffs are mellow and seem content with less run-around.
Hard to see anything in the pics, how is the duckling doing this morning, and I am amazed that since you peeled all the shell off the little thing didn't get shrink wrapped into the membrane.  

He is perfect, I kept him wrapped in a warm cloth and was diligent about keeping everything moist. My other backward duck is the one I'm worried about now, he is tweeting etc but he had a little blood left in the emboli cal area after he pushed out. I thought will constantly opening the incubator my other eggs would suffer but the last egg piped and fully hatched in 6 hours.
Is my duck going to be ok? It's not bleeding but doesn't look normal.
Is my duck going to be ok? It's not bleeding but doesn't look normal.400
It doesn't look right, but may completely close in after it dries. instead of keeping everything moist I'm talking after hatch and the yolk sac, I'd spray with diluted iodine of betadine or Blue Kote if you have it. you want it to eventually dry up and scab to fall off. Congrats on the hatch.
My three girls are getting HUGE! I LOVE ducks ;)

Kristof in front, Ana (back right) Elsa (back left)
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I posted this on the nutrition thread 2 weeks ago with no response - anybody here have some recommendations?
"Where can I find out what kinds of plants/weeds are OK for ducks? Can I assume if they eat it while foraging on their own that it's OK?
I have lots of mint, false dandelion, garlic mustard, wild mustard, sorel, german chamomile, plaintan, nettles, wild carrot . . . you name it! I assume anything I can eat should be safe for them like pansies & dandelion greens but I would like a resource to go to."

I have also since realized I eat cruciferous veggies which is not good for ducks so I guess ok for me is not always ok for them.
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