The Duck Thread

any guesses on gender almost 5 weeks old muscovie ducklings
any guesses on gender almost 5 weeks old muscovie ducklings

Well the one front left that's way bigger and has a long tail I'd say boy! Look at there legs, thick tree trunk legs (what another member discribed them as) is a boy trate, also long tails and boys tend to be bigger too. I only have one Muscovy girl, but this is what others on the Muscovy thread have said :) ares was vent sexed at the feed store.

Fuzzy at 4-5 weeks. Does it look like he/she is still looking like a muscovy?

That is definitely a Muscovy! The light going through the middle of the eye is what Muscovy duckings have ! Your in luck too! Muscovy's are said to be the most friendliest and most social ducks!
That is definitely a Muscovy! The light going through the middle of the eye is what

Muscovy duckings have ! Your in luck too! Muscovy's are said to be the most friendliest and most social ducks!

It looks so bald is that it's feathers mine are already feathering

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