The Duck Thread

Don't laugh too hard but here is my first attempt at duck diapers. I didn't take much time to make these ones, knowing they will only fit for a couple of days. But they don't mind them at all and they love that they get longer lap time now. I'll post my next attempt in a few days.

Pardon the wet faces. They had just had bath time.

Chickie and duckie update! In case anyone is interested, lol.

The longer he goes without making a quack, the more I worry that Eggos is a male. I am disappointed, I really wanted another Pekin in my flock
the runner still has no name (suggestions?), but she is a girl for sure. Both eat out of my hand readily so that is a plus.

The chicks are finally becoming old enough to start to tell males from females. I have some guesses as to their sexes, but could use some help if anyone wants to chime in their opinions (cough cough @Miss Lydia )

I am almost certain the barred Plymouth rock is a male. He is feisty as heck.

I don't know what the heck kind of chicken this is, but I'm thinking he is a rooster too. Instead of a comb, he has a beard lol. Maybe Ameraucana?

Noooo idea what this guy is too, but he's roo for sure. He's mean as heck!

This buff is actually nice and often hops in my lap but I think he's a rooster.

The other buff is just a doll, I named her Gobbles and am thinking she's a girl. She had no comb hardly at all. No good pics of her tho

I think this is a girl, but not sure what kind. She looked a lot like the multicolored bearded roo as a chick so I'm assuming she's the same breed.

The black chicks and red chicks are still a toss up.

Sorry for all the chicken pictures in the duck thread. Here is a picture of my swamp pen to make up for it.
I worry when my lings don't start quacking. I actually sit there and quack to them every time I take them swimming and tease them to quack for a meal worm... LIKE it's going to really change things, lol.
How old are the chickens?

Just dropping in. . .life is so busy!
We gave our ducks a bigger pool this past week. They love it! Of course they do. . .the two that are fully feathered rarely leave the water. Our Pekins are finally starting to feather. I am positive at least one duck is a female. I think a second duck is quacking, but it only seems to do so when I'm around the corner and can't see who is making noise.
Sounds like my luck. I have them all around me and I'm waiting a watching for a quack and then as soon as I turn my back... lol. Good luck to you.

@Julie Bird - sometimes the ducks are just as cute with no webs, no fluffy chests, no cute tails, no pancaking and almost no bill...
My 2 month old Pekin Donald did have a raspy voice so we thought he was male but today he has a peep peep or squeak squeak sound. Is this normal for males or could he be a she? We have another Pekin same age with a definite loud quack so we're confident on her gender.
My 2 month old Pekin Donald did have a raspy voice so we thought he was male but today he has a peep peep or squeak squeak sound. Is this normal for males or could he be a she? We have another Pekin same age with a definite loud quack so we're confident on her gender.
It's the age. My boys are squeaking some now. They don't have their drake feathers yet, but they know what girls are.
Speaking of sexing... did anyone catch the recent article on sexing. I think in had pink or blue in the subject. I can't find it for the life of me now,
How can I attempt to convince one of my 14 susies to want to sit on eggs. I so want to see the babies following mom. Do they wait until they get so many, like turkeys?
Awe so cute! The pekin looks like a hen to me. Although I could be wrong. I think if it's a drake the chest will fill out and be very round. Also how about Caramel?
fair warning some peeking females won't quack! I had a female peeking named ducky poo who didn't quack much at all. Also look for the drake feather on its tail it will be a single feather they curls up words twords its back. That will indicate its a male.

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